Chapter 113.

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2 years later.

It’s been a couple years since everything that had happened with the witches exposing Lily’s personal information and getting what they deserved. Things have changed since then. Nothing bad, thankfully. We had just grown. A month after we had celebrated Lila’s first birthday with those who mattered.  It wasn’t anything huge because we didn’t trust anyone aside from our selective few. She had a great day and that’s all that mattered to us. That following month Paola had her baby girl. They named her Jalexa. They call her Lexi. When we visited Lila wanted to hold her and repeated “baby“ with a smile across her face. I saw Lily’s eyes water as she saw it happen.

Late October, I proposed to Lily. I had planned it all out and had both families involved. We had a big Sunday dinner. But it was outdoors in a place where there were beautiful gardens. I rented it out for the evening so it was just all of us. After eating dinner, there was music being played and our parents were dancing together around the garden so I asked Lily to dance. Lila was running around with Bella. Jacob and Jenni were dancing, Jenni with a round belly. They were expecting a baby boy for the beginning of the following year. We were so happy for them. I saw Lily’s reaction to the news. She was so happy for them but still hurt. And we all understood. While everyone danced around, I had planned for the music to lower down. Lily looked around wondering why. I pulled away and went down on one knee. “Jasleena Lean Miles. You have been my everything from the moment I laid eyes on you. I knew you’d be mine one day, so I never gave up. You were stubborn but look at us now. You complete me in ways I never knew someone could. You and Lila are more than everything to me. You both have blessed my life in so many ways. I’ll forever choose you, my Lily. Will you marry me?” Everyone stood around anxious waiting on Lily’s response. She started sobbing and nodding. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She jumped in excitement. I put the ring on her finger and picked her up, twirling her around and kissing her. It was an amazing evening.

We recently celebrated Lila’s second birthday. And had been planning for our wedding, that was in another month. We didn’t want a huge wedding. So we stuck with a backyard wedding. With just our families and close friends. Something small and intimate. The month flew by and there I was nervous as all hell. I was excited to marry the girl who stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on her. The girl who became the mother of my daughter. The girl who became my true best friend. Life wasn’t too nice to us, but God had blessed us with so much more.

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