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Pov Harry

Draco takes my hand. "you can do this." He whispered. I walked towards the coffin. I looked at the people. "today we are here to say goodbye to Sirius Black the third. He was the best godfather anyone could wish. He died of a natural death just like his husband. He was known for a marauder an Animagus and his nickname was padfoot. He was the bravest greatest man I've known. He saved me from being fed up with horrible people. He and his husband fed me up like I was their son. I'm so thankful for them, padfoot, I will miss you." I say. I walk back to Draco. "you did it great." He kissed me on the forehead. I wipe away my tears. "dad?" my little son James Sirius Malfoy-Potter asks. I turn around. "he's going to miss you too." He says, I smile and look at my other children. Remus Lucius Malfoy-Potter and Lily Narcissa Malfoy-Potter. They are all crying. "thank you." I said. Teddy walked towards us. "I think we have to start to call you Prongslette because you're going to miss it." he says.

"I already miss him." I say lying in his arms. Draco runs his hands trough my hair. "you're going to be okay Harry, they are going to watch you being successful every day." Draco says. I look at him and he kisses me. "they don't want you to be this sad." Draco says. "we're still here." Lily says. "didn't we agree that you two wouldn't do that anymore when we are around?" James asks. I look at Draco he starts kissing me. "get fucking recked" Draco says. they run away. I chuckle. "I love our children." I say. "I love them too, Prongslette." 

wordcount 296

okay I decided to write the Prologue hope you like it. 

anything for our ProngsletteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz