chapter six

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"it's an old picture of me and Draco. It's just too cute to delete." I answer. "Can you delete it?" Draco asks. "You made it." I sneer. "So what?" he asks. "I don't have to delete what you made." I answer. "let's go to my house." Draco sighs, we walk towards his house. We enter and they start talking in French I sigh and walk towards Draco his room. Luckily, I am super smart because I packed my guitar. I pick it up and start playing. The door opens and I see Leo. "You play beautiful." He says. I smile. "Thanks." I say. "Draco said you were really shy a few months ago. I don't believe him." he says. "I was. But he kind of helped me." I say. "May I see?" he asks. I nod and hand him the guitar. "Who are Prongs?" he asks. "My dad." I say. "You must be Prongslette?" he asks. I nod. "I bet moony and Padfoot are your godfather and his husband." He says. I nod. "Draco told me about it." He says. I smile. "I know damn good what muggles are." He says. I look at him. "Scarhead." He says. I smile. "I'm pureblood." He says. "Do you have a wand?" I ask. "Nope." He says. I nod. He hands me my guitar. "don't tell Draco I know." He says. I nod and look at my phone. Remus is calling. I take up my phone. "How is my little Prongslette?" I hear on the phone. I chuckle. "I'm fine." I say. "Good to hear. I did go for a walk with padfoot and James. We're home in 5 minutes." He says. "Okay." I put my phone back. "Draco always described you as 'stupid Potter with his stupid scar and his kissable lips' I think he didn't know how strange that was. I thought you two were still together." He says. "I wish." I say. "I know he still loves you." He says. "I know that too. I just play hard to get, and he has to break up with his boyfriend before he can get me back." I say. "Let him learn from his action." He chuckles and walks away. I continue playing. After a while I hear some barking. "that's the most adorable dog I've ever seen." I hear Leo his voice saying. I smile and walk towards the living room. "Hey James." I say and pick him up. "I have to go. See you later Harry." Leo says and hugs me. I smile and he leaves. "A ce soir." Milo says. "Are you going anywhere tonight?" I ask. "You? Do you speak French?" he asks. "No, but I understood that." I answer. He rolls his eyes. "We were actually going somewhere. If you want?" he asks. "Sure what are we going to do?" I ask. "That is a surprise." He says.

Pov Draco

How do I break up with someone? I can't just say, I break up with you because I want to be with someone who hates me so much that he will kill me. I chuckle by my own thoughts. "What are you thinking about?" Harry asks. "Nothing." I answer. "I accept you apologizes. But don't think I won't be mad anymore." He says. I smile. "Fine." I say. "But you have to tell what we're going to do tonight." He says. "Fine, we're going to the restaurant where my boyfriend's work. Just the two of us." I say. "that's romantic. Are you going to cheat?" he asks. "No just as friends." I answer. "I knew that." He says dryly. I roll my eyes and walk towards my room I open the door and see Harry's phone. I pick it up and look through his contacts. 'Hermione,' 'moony,' 'padfoot,' 'Ron,' 'Neville,' and 'Luna.' That are not many people. I look at the massages they send. For Remus and Sirius it is messages about what time he's going to be home. I look at Hermione and Ron. He still sends them messages about how his day was. I smile. I close the app and search through his camera album. I smile I see some pictures he took of me without me even noticing when we were at Hogwarts, some pictures are from his friends. The door opens. fuck! "Looks like someone likes being a thief." Harry says. "I must say, I enjoyed it." I answer. "Give it back." He says. "Fine." I say and hand him his phone. "Why do you have pictures of me?" I ask. "If you read the messages between me Ron you would've known." He answers. "Just tell me." I order him. "Fine, I had such a big crush on you. I wanked on the pictures." He answers. I start blushing. "Did I just make you blush?" he asks. "no." I answer. "Yes, I did." He says. I stick my tongue out to him. "Oh that tongue can do so much more." He teases. Luckily, I lie under my blanket. "what's wrong Malfoy? Dirty talk kink?" he asks. Why is he doing this? "no." I answer him. "May I check if you're lying?" he asks. Oh that smirk. Since when is he like this? So sexy, so adorable, so hot. He did have a glow up in 2 months. "Thinking about me?" he asks. "no." I say. "You must be thinking about your boyfriend." He says. I shake my head. "But you're turned on." He raises an eyebrow. "Fuck you." I say. "I knew I could do it. Good luck with it." He says. "Not that fast." I stop him from walking. "You give me trouble. You solve my trouble." I say. I see him smirking. "I don't think your boyfriend likes that." He says. fuck you harry!! "He doesn't have to know." I whisper. "you're not the one who's going to take my virginity away." He says. "Fine I won't take that." I say and place him on a chair. "Just sit there." I say. "No way. I'm going to take a shower." He says. "Let me come with you." I say. "Nope." He says and walks away. fucking Potter! I sigh and drop my pants and boxers.

wordcount 1034

happy easter day <3 love you all  

anything for our ProngsletteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora