chapter seven

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“Bon soir!” Milo yells at us. “Hey Milo!” harry says. “Strange view to see my boyfriend with his ex-boyfriend walking like that.” Milo says. I let go of Harry. “I’m sorry, he got in trouble with someone this helped.” Harry lies for me. He nods. “Je dois te parler.” I say. (I have to talk to you.) “Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas?” he asks. (what’s wrong?) “Je veux rompre avec toi.” I answer. (I want to break up with you.) “Pour lui?” he asks. (For him?) I shake my head. “Après cet été, je vais vivre longtemps avec mon père. D’aller à l’école à Londres et je rentre avec lui à la maison parce qu’ils ne vivent pas ça pour moi.” I answer (after this summer I'm going to live with my dad a long time. to go to school in London and I go with him home because they don't live that far from me.). “Laissez-moi deviner que vous allez là-bas pour harceler tout le monde et déménager dans un autre pays. Pute masculine !” he says. (Let me guess you're going there to shag everyone and move to another country. your male whore) “did he just call you a whore?” Harry asks. “Harry, why from all the words we already said do you understand whore?” I ask. “I don’t know.” He says. he looks so innocent on the outside. “Can we get our table?” I ask. “of course.” He says and we walk towards a nice table. “Thank you.” I smile. We sit down. “What was that about?” he asks. “I broke up with him.” I answer him. “Oh no. Is that why he called you a whore?” I ask. “Yes.” I say. he picks up my hand. “he’s wrong.” I say. “Why do you think that?” I ask. “Because you’re loyal towards your left hand.” I say. I try not to laugh. “Do you want a wine?” I ask. “Sure.” He says I smile and call the waiter he comes towards me it’s Milo’s brother, Robert. “What can I order you?” he asks. “Two red wines please.” I say. “Can I see both of you your ID?” he asks. Harry takes out his. “Can you give me mine it’s in my jacket.” I say. he nods and hands me mine I show it. “Happy birthday.” Robert says towards Harry. “don’t say that too loud. It’s embarrassing.” He says. I chuckle.
After we’re done eating, we walk towards a bridge. The boulevard. Harry smiles. “This view is perfect.” He smiles. It’s everything I wanted today. To see him smile and happy. He looks at me. “This view is beautiful too.” He says. “Harry you’re drunk.” I say. “Please I only had three wines and a beer and a cocktail.” He says. “Yhea it’s the first time you drink.” I say. he chuckles. I move some hair out of his eyes. He is really tipsy. I like him like this. He chuckles. “What?” I ask. “You look so cute when you’re thinking.” He says. I smile. “you’re cute under the influence of alcohol.” I say. he chuckles again. “Come on kiss me already.” He says. I smile and kiss him. this is perfect it feels like our first kiss even though it isn’t.

I open the door quietly, so I don’t wake up any of the adults, but they are all in the living room. “you two are back after curfew.” Remus says. “Oh come on we’re eighteen.” Harry says. “And you gave him alcohol?” Sirius asks. “He chooses for it.” I defend myself. “How much did he have?” my mother asks. “Not much.” Harry says. “Three wine one beer and a cocktail. I had much more.” I say. he chuckles again. “Oh my head is going to be dead tomorrow.” He chuckles. “I swear I didn’t do it.” I say. everyone looks pretty disappointed. “Come on bedtime.” I whisper in his ear. I bring him to my bedroom and lie him down on my bed. I pull of his shoes and his pants. I take off his jacket. “don’t touch the shirt.” He whispers. “you’re not going to sleep in my shirt.” I say. “I’ll change in the bathroom.” He says and stands up and walks towards the bathroom. I walk downstairs and see the adults. I sit down on the couch. “Why doesn’t Harry just change where I am? We saw each other change multiple times in the locker rooms.” I say. “His chest is full of scars; he doesn’t want to show that.” Remus says. “Since when?” I ask. “Since he was thirteen. Many spells hit him in the years and when his uncle abused him, he used to use him belt and hit Harry with it on the chest. I feel so bad we left him there.” Sirius says. “We always say him that showing his scar isn’t a bad thing, but he always tells us that only one scar on his forehead already brought him in so much danger that he is afraid to be in danger again.” Remus says. I look at the two men. “But now it’s bedtime for you too.” My mother says. I nod and walk upstairs I see Harry in a green shirt on my bed. Malfoy 07 is on the back. I smile. he is wearing my quidditch shirt. Fuck it looks so cute on him. I lie down in my bed. “Good night.” He whispers. “You look cute in that shirt.” I whisper. He smiles. “Thank you.” He says. “The sorting hat did better place you in Slytherin.” I whisper. “I begged he didn’t bad choice.” He says. too sleepy to talk anymore. I kiss his head. “Good night.” I whisper.
Pov Harry
I wake up with and arm around me. I smile when I remember last night. Why is he so cute when he sleeps. I look at his features his cute almost invisible freckles, his pale skin, his soft hair I want to touch so badly, his nose is so cute and his lips his kissable lips. “Good morning.” He whispers with a raspy voice. No way that sounded so hot. “I’m going to miss you so much in London.” I complain. “I’m coming with you. We still have that year at Hogwarts. I’m going to live with father this year and mom is looking for a house in London.” He soothes me. I smile. “You look so fucking innocent, but you aren’t” he says. I smile. “it’s a talent of mine.” I answer. He chuckles. “Do you want breakfast?” he asks. I nod and we walk downstairs. “Are you going to play quidditch this year?” I ask. he nods. “I need that shirt back you know?” he asks. I sigh. “But it smells like you.” I say. he chuckles. “Are you going to play again?” he asks. “Duh. I miss it so bad!” I answer. He smiles. I hear some footsteps on the stairs. “Hey Harry, have you seen Remus?” Sirius asks. “no.” I answer. “He was too busy looking at me.” Draco says. I glare at him. “I didn’t know you were a Malfoy Harry.” Sirius asks. “Soon to be Malfoy.” Draco says. “Excuse me? You’re going to be a Potter.” I say. “No way.” He says. “No time for your marriage issues. where is my husband?” Sirius asks. “I don’t know.” I say. “Is your mother here?” he asks. “I don’t know I didn’t see her.” Draco answers. “James is gone too. I think they’re gone for a walk.” I say. “Okay, go and pack your stuff. Give Draco his shirt back so he can wash it before your first game.” Sirius says. “Fine.” I say and walk towards Draco his room. I change into normal clothes I decide to steal another shirt of Draco and put it in my suitcase I pack the rest of my stuff and I go downstairs. I give Draco his quidditch shirt back. “Thank you.” He says and kisses my nose. “What did I say about kissing my nose?” I ask. “I didn’t know you wanted a handjob you could just say that.” He says. my cheeks start glowing red. The door opens and Remus walks in with Narcissa and James. I smile James runs towards me. I hug him. “Where have you been. I was so scared. You didn’t even leave a note.” Sirius says with a tone of anger in his voice. “I’m sorry dad, I was just walking the dog. It isn’t like I’m 38 and married to you and I didn’t send you and Harry a text.” He says with a sarcastic tone in his voice I check my phone. “He did send a text.” I say. “See.” Remus says. “Okay fine.” He says. “Narcissa thanks we could stay here.” Remus says. “No problem.” She says. “I’ll see you at Christmas mom.” Draco says while hugging her. When they let go of each other we pick up our suitcases and James and apparate to our home.
Wordcount 1509
Here you go for today. It's nine am and I'm tired. I have to leave like right now and I woke a quarter ago up. I'm crying. But anyways thanks for reading I just love it. And the nice comments it gives me hope. It gives me a smile on my face and it gives me motivation. Love you all. See you tomorrow

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