chapter fourteen

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I wake up in an empty bedroom. School is over. Am I happy with it? I don't know. A thing I know is that I'm going to move out. Start my own family with Draco. I'm going to take care for Teddy. Andromeda and I spoke about that and Nymphadora wanted me to take for her son like my godfather did for me. There is a knock on the door. "What?" I ask. "Grumpy mood?" Remus opens the door. I sigh. I look at him. "Chocolate?" he asks. I chuckle. "No thanks." I answer. "How do you feel?" he asks. "Why?" I ask. "it's the first day you don't have school anymore." He says. I chuckle. "I feel bored." I answer. he laughs. "When are you going to get Teddy?" he asks. "Andromeda said she would bring him here." I answer. "Okay. So do you already think you found a house?" he asks. "No, I think I'm going to do that tomorrow." I answer. He nods. I get out of bed and change in my clothes. I go downstairs. "Good morning" Sirius says. I smile. "I just did go for a walk with James." Sirius says. I smile. "I'm so proud of us." Sirius says. "What?" I ask. "Our little Prongslette is going to have a baby!" Sirius says. "it's not my baby and I'm not little." I say. "You are still our little Prongslette, and you always felt like our baby." Remus says. I roll my eyes. "Okay but still it's my godchild." I answer. They nod. "Why doesn't Milo take care for him?" Sirius asks. "he's in prison for stalking people and raping." I answer. They nod, the doorbell rings. "That will be our new family member!" Sirius says. "Calm down, it's Draco." I answer when the door opens. "Why did you ring the bell?" Remus asks. "I always do that. I feel like a robber when I don't." Draco answers. I give him a kiss on his cheek. "How are you?" I ask. "I'm tired. Mom let me stay up all night to look for houses." He says. "Did you find anything?" I ask. he shakes his head. I nod. "Is Teddy already here?" he asks. "No, he can be here any moment." I answer. He nods. "Did you already eat?" he asks. "No, I'm not hungry." I answer. He nods. The doorbell rings. I walk towards the door and see Andromeda with her grandchild in her arms. I smile at her. "Good morning, Harry." She says. "Hello." I answer with a smile. She hands me the little boy. "Take good care for him." she says. "I will." I answer. She smiles. The tiny young boy hugs me. "I will come and visit soon." She says. I nod she hugs the young boy one last time and leaves. I walk back inside. Isn't she coming in?" Sirius asks. "No, she just did go." I answer. He nods. Draco comes downstairs. "Where did you go?" I ask. "The bathroom." He answers. I nod. "Oh look how cute he is." Draco says. I chuckle. "Is he like his mother? A metamorphmagus" he asks. "Most likely." I answer. He looks in his eyes. "He has the same eyes as yours worried." Draco says. I look at him. "don't deny it." He says. I sigh. "I'll talk to you later." I say. he nods. "Come on little boy, we're going to bed." I whisper and bring him to bed. I give a kiss on his forehead. He starts laughing. "what's your problem?" I ask. he grabs my glasses. "No don't steal them;" I say. he starts laughing even more. "No give it back." I say. he snaps it in two halves. I sigh. "No don't do that." I say. he hands me it back. "Good, go to sleep now. I'll repair them." I say. I turn of the lights and walk downstairs. "Harry, what happened?" Sirius asks. "Teddy is a really playful baby." I answer and grab my wand. "Oculus reparo." I say and the glasses repair itself. I put them back on. "so Draco? When is your mother going to marry?" I ask. I look at him. "I don't know they are planning, but mother thinks it's more important for us to find a house." He says. I nod. "okay now you're going to tell me what's going on." He says. "nothing." I say. "we have to go to hogwarts to write the letters." Remus looks up from his watch. "okay I'll see you tonight." I answer. They leave. "now tell me." He says. I roll my eyes. "I'm just worried I'll be a bad father figure." I answer. "you will be the best." He says. I smile. He kisses my nose. "don't" I warn him. he chuckles. "you're so cute when you do that." He says. I roll my eyes. I hear some cries upstairs. "looks like someone isn't sleepy." Draco walks upstairs and comes back with Teddy. Wasn't his hair color brown?" Draco asks pointing at the baby with bleu hair. "oh his first signs." I say happily and pick him up. "you are excited." Draco says. I smile and look at him. James starts barking. "looks like someone wants to walk." Draco says. "let's go for a walk then." I answer and put Teddy in his stroller and walk outside with James and Teddy. "are you coming?" I ask. "yes." He says and comes with us. "look at us we're like a family." Draco says. "because we are a family." I answer. "not completely." Draco says. "what do you mean?" I ask. "Harry James Potter, you are the most beautiful man I know and you make me happy so do you want to make me even more happy and marry me?" he asks. I look in Draco his eyes. He shows me a ring. I smile at him. "yes." I say. he smiles and hugs me. "here." He hands me the ring. I look at it. It's an emerald stone and the ring is gold. I smile. "this must've been expensive." I say. "money doesn't matter for me. I love you and I would've give you all my family fortune to a ring, if that was possible." He says. I put the ring around my finger. "how long were you planning to do this?" I ask. "well, I was planning to do it when Remus and Sirius were home but it was just a perfect moment." He says. I smile. Teddy makes some noises. We look at him. "what's wrong?" I ask. he puts his arms in the air. "do you want us to lift us?" Draco asks. I pick him up. He smiles. James starts barking. "jealous?" Draco asks and picks up the dog. I smile. "look he is like a little child too." I say. he chuckles.

"Do you want lunch?" Draco asks. "Yes." I answer. He smiles and walks towards the kitchen. The front door opens. "Hey moony hey padfoot." I say without looking. "Hey Prongslette." Sirius says. I turn around and see professor MCgannegoll "hello professor." I say. "Oh Harry, I'm not longer your professor. Call me Minerva." She says. I smile. 'Or like we call her, Minnie." Remus says. "She actually loves it." Sirius says. "No I don't." she complains. I chuckle. "where's Teddy and where's James?" Sirius asks. "James is sleeping on my bed and Teddy is sleeping in his crib." I answer. They nod. "So I don't want to be rude but why are you here?" I ask. "We invited her here. As a friend." Sirius says. I nod. Draco comes back from the kitchen. "Here." Draco hands me my plate. I smile and start eating. Draco starts talking to the adults. "where'd you get that ring?" Remus asks. "we're engaged." Draco answers. They look at us. "No way." Sirius says. "Yes, we are." I say. Remus hugs me. "Stop growing up it makes us feel old." He whispers. I chuckle. he lets go of me. "Do you want some tea?" Sirius asks professor MCgannegoll. She nods and they walk towards the kitchen. "I feel so emotional right now. It's just, you were always our little son and now you are engaged." Remus says. I chuckle. "God I'm old." He says. I look at Draco. "I thought we would be happy not like this." Draco points at Remus who is wiping a tear away. "I'm sorry. I am so happy for you." He says. I smile. "it's just Sirius and I were just married when your parents died we were a young married couple and now you are going to marry and you have your own godchild living with you." He says. I smile. "we understand. Harry was almost crying too when I asked him." Draco says. "no I wasn't." I defend myself. "ask teddy." He answers. I chuckle. "maybe just a little bit." I say. "I have to call Molly to tell her this fantastic news." Remus says and grabs his phone and starts calling. I chuckle and walk with Draco upstairs. I collapse on my bad. "already tired? It's 2 pm." He says. I chuckle. "no I'm not, I'm just to lazy to stand up and I want my fiancé in my arms and cuddle with me." I order him. "who are you and what have you done to Harry?" he asks. "what?" I ask. "well normal Harry would have lied on me. So he would have let me lie down first." He says. I sigh and stand up. He smiles satisfied and lied down I lie my head on his chest and cuddle up on him.

Pov Remus

"are you sure you want to give your house to Harry and Draco?" Minnie asks. I look at Sirius. "anything for our Prongslette."

hello everyone. this is the end of the book. thank you for reading. maybe there will be a prologue. see you guys later 

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