chapter twelve

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Pov Harry

Sirius rings a doorbell. "are you sure she is fine with me coming?" Remus asks. "yes, she told me." Sirius says. "is Draco coming too?" Lilith asks. "of course he is. Narcissa her fiancé is coming too." Sirius asks. The door opens and we see a woman the age of Narcissa. "oh Andromeda, how hard I missed you." Sirius says and hugs her. She smiles. "hey Remus." She says. he shakes her hand. "is this Lilith?" she asks. "of course this is Lilith." Sirius says. she smiles. "oh and Harry Potter. Our savior." She says and hugs me. "how Nymphadora always talked about you." She says. I smile. "I'm sorry about the loss." I say. "it's fine honey. I'm glad you wanted to be the godfather of my grandson." She says. I smile. "Teddy Fontaine." She says. I smile. "wait who is the father?" Sirius asks. "Milo Fontaine. Some French boy. I didn't see him since the war." She says. I nod. "come in It's freezing outside." She says. we walk inside and we sit on a huge dining table. I look, around and my eyes catch Draco his eyes. I smile. "do you two have a problem with sharing a bedroom?" Andromeda asks pointing at us. "no, we don't have an issue with that." I say smiling at Draco. He blushes. "can I sleep with them too?" Lilith asks. "if they want you to sleep with them." Andromeda says. I look at Draco. "well I get loads of nightmares and I don't want to disturb her with that." Draco lies. "okay fine. You have your own room Lilith." Andromeda says. I smile. Lilith glares at me. Jesus girl don't be so mad. I look at Draco again. "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed?" Andromeda asks. "no we don't, when I get my nightmares Harry lies next to me." Draco says. she smiles and walks towards the kitchen. "I fucking hate you." Lilith whispers. "oh come on it's a boy from eighteen and he is gay. Did you really think you had a chance." I ask. "shut up." She says. I giggle. "what's so funny?" Draco asks. "she is being super stupid." I answer. He chuckles. "don't call me stupid." She says. "I'm sorry. Mrs. Lupin-Black. I won't say you're stupid. You're just ridiculous." I say. she glares at me. I start laughing. "Harry, don't act like a child you're eighteen." Sirius says. "says who? You're 36 and you act like a childish dog." I backfire him. he sighs. "because I am a dog." He says. "yhea Remus is a werewolf he doesn't act like one." I say. "Harry." Narcissa interrupts. "I'm sorry." I say and look at my hands. "no it's fine. You're right, you can be a child." Sirius says. I smile and stick out my tongue towards Lilith. "not that childish Harry." Draco says. I chuckle.

I lie on the bed in Draco his arms he is moving his finger up and down my arm. "I have a question." I say. "fire." He says. "do you want to train with the Gryffindor team for quidditch?" I ask. "why?" he asks. "long story short. I have bad grades and MCgannegoll said I couldn't train for quidditch anymore." I say. "oh Harry. Do you want me to help you study?" he asks. "no you don't have to. Just train the Gryffindor team. I will be happy with that." I answer. He nods and kisses my head. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I whisper. He smiles and soothes me to sleep like I'm a baby. "you fucking bastard." I smile. He chuckles. "don't do it." I say. "what do you want to do?" he ask. I start kissing his neck. "hold your horses Harry. We're not home." He says. "please? I'll be quiet." I beg. "I can't say no to your face." He says. I smile. He starts kissing in my neck. When he finds a spot that is normally hidden with my shirt he starts sucking my neck. I let out a quiet moan. He starts smirking.

Pov Draco

I wake up with Harry in my arms. I smile when Ithink back at yesterday. It was only a blowjob but it felt so nice. I look athim. his hair is so messy, but so cute. His heartbeat is slow and his breath iscalm. I smile at the sleeping boy. "breakfast!" someone from downstairs yells.I sigh. There is a knock on the door. "Draco?" my mother asks. "come in." Isay. she enters the bedroom. "we have to go after breakfast. Come out of thebed." She says. "okay, I'll wake Harry." I answer. She looks at him. "lookslike you two had fun last night." She says. "how do you know?" I ask. "becausehe is sleeping without a shirt and he always sleeps with a shirt." she answers.I chuckle. "and that hickey in his neck." She adds. "I have to show what'smine." I answer. She smiles and leaves the room. I wake Harry up. "Wake upbaby." I whisper. He turns around. I sigh and shake him on his shoulder. Heslowly opens his eyes. "good morning." I say. he smiles. "get out of the bed. Ihave to go after breakfast." I say. he rolls out of the bed and quicklychanges. I do the same. "oh yhea, Harry I forgot to give you yesterday, buthappy Christmas." I say and hand him my present. "oh I didn't give youanything. I'm a bad boyfriend." He says. "no you didn't have to get meanything." I say. he gives me a kiss. "happy Christmas." He says. I chuckle. wewalk downstairs. "open it at home." I say and sit on the table. "what's that?"Sirius asks. "my Christmas present from Draco." Harry answers. He smiles. "whywould he give you a Christmas present?" Andromeda asks. "I'm his secret Santa."I answer. "do they still do that?" Andromeda asks. "of course." I say. thedoorbell rings. "I think that will be Teddy." Andromeda says and walks towardsthe door. "we have to go." My mother says. I nod and blow a kiss towards Harry."see you at school." I say. he smiles. My mother, Pierre, and I leave towardsthe front door. "see you later Andy." My mother hugs her sister. I see Milo. "seeyou later Cissy." She says and they let go of each other. "see you later mylittle nephew." She says and hugs me. I smile and hug her back. "is thisTeddy?" I ask when I did let go of her. "yes." She says. I smile at the littleboy. He is so little. "see you later." My mother says and we apparate home."wasn't that your ex?" my mother says. "he was nothing." I say and walkupstairs. "Draco stay here I want to talk to you." My mother says. I roll myeyes and walk back downstairs. "why are you so much in your room?" she asks. Isigh. "is it because of Pierre?" she asks. "yes." I answer. "you can tell meabout it." She says. "you wouldn't understand." I answer her. "I think I will."She says. "it's just it's hard for me to have him. he is not my father and hepops up in my life. You two are going to live together and it's just a lot totake." I answer. She smiles. "I'm sorry. I must've told you." She says. "it'sfine. Just enjoy your life. It must be hard to know that your only son is gay."I say. "yes it is, but I still love you." She says. "I know that mom." I sayand hug her. "I love you too." I say and let go of her

wordcount 1309

I'm still thinking about the cover. anyways this is one of the last chapters. I'm thinking about two more and maybe a Prologue. love y'all <3

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