chapter eleven

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Pov Draco

I arrive at home, and I see my mother in the living room. "Good evening mom." I say, she hugs me. "How are you?" she asks. "I'm fine." I answer. She smiles at me. "How was school?" she asks. "Fantastic." I answer. "And how is your father?" she asks. "He was mad, I told him about Harry." I say. she hugs me. "I'm sorry." She says. "I didn't tell Harry about it. I think he has enough of his own problems." I say. "Oh, honey." She says and lets go of her embrace. "Give me your quidditch sweat and shirt I want to wash it." She says. "I gave my shirt to Harry." I answer. "You did?" she asks. "Yes." I answer. She chuckles. "Are we going to celebrate Christmas with family?" I ask. "Which family do you mean?" she asks. "I don't know." I answer, acting like my nose is bleeding. "we're going to celebrate Christmas with Andromeda." She answers. "Is Sirius also coming?" I ask. "I don't know." She answers. "You know damn well wo is coming." I say. she chuckles. "Yes, but you know she is homophobic, so Remus isn't coming." She says. "And Harry is he coming?" I ask. she chuckles. "Yes, but if you touch him, you know she's going to be mad." She says. "How do you even know this. It's the first time you speak to her in..." how long? "Centuries." I finish my sentence. "Oh Draco don't say I'm old." She says. I chuckle. "I know this because Sirius told me, because her daughter Nymphadora once had a relationship with Remus." She says. "This is so unfair. You did forgive her for being a blood traitor, she has to accept that some people are gay." I say. "don't call her a blood traitor." My mother warns me. "Aunt Bella told me." I say. "it's because of Bellatrix we got in all these problems." My mother says. "Or is it because of father?" I ask. "Both. Bella was trying to join the death eaters before I married your father." My mother says. "Why did you even choose Bella her side?" I ask. "Because I had no choice." She says. I sigh. "I'm going to search for a present for Harry." I answer. "Wait." My mother says. I look at her. She walks upstairs. What is she doing? She is going to give me something ancient no one wants. When she comes downstairs, she hands me a kind of piano but it's really small. "I got this from your father." She starts. Yep, it's ancient. "It plays music when he sends love." My mother says. did he even ever do that? "It went of multiple times a day. When we were younger, but it didn't make a sound since 1979. It can't make a sound anymore because we divorced." That wasn't clear mother. Taste my sarcasm. "So I did some spells on it and now it's between you and Harry. You just have to say, 'I love you Harry' and it starts playing." She says. I smile. "Thank you, mom." I say and hug her. "No problem." She says. I flick with my wand and put it in a box and wrap the box in a nice paper. "Can you go to the baker for me?" she asks. "Sure. What do you want?" I ask. "I just want you to bring me a baguette" she says. I nod. She hands me some money. "Mom, I have my own money." I say. "Yes, but I don't want you to pay." She says. I sigh and walk towards the door. "Draco you're still wearing your uniforms." She says. I look down at it. "I don't care." I say and open the door. I leave the house and walk around the streets. I'm already lost. I keep walking and see someone. "Can I ask you something?" I ask. the figure turns around. Fuck Milo. "Ah the whore himself!" he yells. I roll my eyes. "Where are we?" I ask. "In Paris." He says. "No shit. I just lost." I say. he starts laughing. I take a deep breath. "Well, whore, you are almost at the Eiffel tower." He tells. "Stop calling me a whore!" I yell. "Well, I saw you kissing someone at the boulevard, the night you broke up with me." He says. "He was drunk." I say. "O no, I hope he doesn't remember because of the STD you gave him." he says. "We didn't even do that. Never. We take it slow." I say. "If I was you, I would have been broken up already." He says. "I can't. he is too sweet for me." I say. "Who is he?" I'm not going to answer him. I just walk away. Good Draco. Don't give him attention. "Or are you just lying." He asks. "it's Harry." I answer. "That pitiful boy?" he asks. "How dare you call him like that?" I ask. "Oh you called him like that yourself." He says. "I never called him that." I say. he starts laughing. "Fuck you." I say. "Oh with much pleasure." He says. than I did something so fucking stupid. I point my wand at him. oh my freaking god Draco. There is one rule. Just one. don't show magic at muggles. "Oh are we pointing wands at each other?" he asks. He points his wand at me. He is a wizard. What the fuck. "Startled?" he asks. "I know you. Draco Malfoy. Former death eater. Son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy né Black. Student at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Slytherin. Pureblood. And since a few months ago a blood traitor. And your boyfriend. Harry Potter. Got a scar from Voldemort. Son of James Potter and Lily Potter né Evans. Student at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Gryffindor. Half-blood." He says. "Looks like someone is a stalker." I say. what the hell? This man knows everything. "Oh yes, I am. I know that you are now sleeping in that stupid Potter his dorm." He says. "don't call him stupid." I say. "Oh weren't you the one who called him, 'stupid Potter with his stupid scar on his stupid forehead?" he asks. "That was when I hated him. I love him." I say. "I don't know if he still will if I tell him what you did." He says. "I saved a girl from being raped. I didn't do anything wrong." I say. "Who will he believe you or justice?" he asks. I clench my teeth. "Look, it's pathetic, you know he doesn't trust you. Why didn't they set you behind the bars?" he asks. "Because I am unguilty and father did pay enough." I say. he starts laughing. "Oh how pathetic." He says. I put away my wand. "Leave me alone." I say. "I will." He says. I walk away. I enter the baker. « Bonsoir jeune homme. » the man says. (Good evening young man.) "Can I have one baguette?" I ask. he nods. "aren't you Narcissa's son?" he asks. I look up. "Yes? How do you know her?" I ask. "we're dating." He says. "Oh, fine to know I'm not the only blood traitor in the family." I mutter. "What?" he asks. "Nothing. How do you know her?" I ask. "She comes here a lot. She is a lovely woman. That your dad wanted to divorce from her." He says. "Yhea." I say. "What is your name?" he asks. "Draco." I answer. "Nice name." he says. I nod. "And yours?" I ask. "Pierre." He says. I smile. "What did you find attracting on my mother?" I ask. "Her beautiful smile." He says. I smile. "You have her smile." He says. "I didn't know she was dating again." I say. "She was scared you wouldn't like me." He says. "I like you a lot." I say, he smiles. "we're going to live together in London." He says. I smile. "we're going to celebrate Christmas with your aunt." He says. "Did she tell you anything about this you would think that's crazy?" I ask. "Yes, she is witch, you're a wizard. I'm a muggle born." He says. I smile. "Come." He turns of the lights. "What?" I ask. "we're going to your home." He says. I nod and he closes his bakery. We walk in complete silence. "Look there is the whore again. Found someone new?" Milo says behind me. I sigh. "What did you say?" Pierre asks, "oh are you falling for older?" he asks. "I'm sorry young man, but you are wrong. He is a polite man and the son of my girlfriend." He says. "Trio?" he asks. "Shut up." I say and walk away. "Who is that?" Pierre asks. "He is my ex. He keeps irritating me." I say. "No worries he'll be gone when we're gone." He says. I nod.

We enter the house and I see my mother in the kitchen. "Hi mom." I say. "Hey honey." She gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Oh Pierre, I didn't know you would come." My mother says. "Surprise." He says. "I'm not hungry mom. Harry gave me too much food on the train." I say. "Okay." She says. "I'm tired. I'll go to bed." I say and hug her. She smiles and I walk upstairs. I'm happy for her. So happy. She found someone who loves her. Father loved her too. I lie down on my bed and look at the ceiling. They're going to live together already. Oh I am fucking hate this. 

wordcount 1599

good morning or good evening I don't know when you read this and where you read this. how are you all. I'm dying. see you all tomorrow 

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