-Drew is calling me- I say scared, cutting him off, as I showed him my phone.

-Why are you freaking out?- he asks.

-Because it might be Austin- I say as if it was the clearest thing in the world.

-Come on answer it- he says.

-Drew??- I ask him

-Hi Maddie- he says- um... what did you tell Austin las night? because he might be having a little hangover, he won't stop throwing up.

-Oh...is he okay though!?

-I don't know, he won't talk about what happened so that's why i am asking you what did you say to him?

-I don't know just that i didn't wanna ruin our friendship and that i really appreciated all that he did for me- I say feeling guilty.

-then i guess he just didn't expect tha-

-of course he didn't Drew, he even bought me flowers- I say as Chase presses the engine and we still wait in the queue.

-poor him- he says as i hear someone puking in the background.

-just stay there for him, i hope he'll get over this- I say to him feeling so guilty.

-Okay and don't feel guilty about it- he says as he hangs up.

I sigh.

-What happened now??- Chase asks as he notices my expression.

-Austin got really drunk last night and now he can't stop throwing up- I say.

-It's not your fault, you know that right??- he asks me.

-I guess- i say.

-Mads don't be stupid, you couldn't do anything about it- he says reassuring me.

-But I am a shitty friend- i say not looking at him.

-No you are n-

-Yes i am Chase I was fucking you while he was getting drunk as hell, i fucked you not even an hour later that I broke his heart, I should have been there for him as he used to be there for me- I felt really bad.
Austin was the reason thanks to why I smiled again and he helped me cope a lot.

Chase doesn't say anything.

-Good Morning, what would you like to order?- a woman says, interrupting my thoughts.

-I would like a large latte with almond milk please- Chase says in a neutral voice.

-a medium caramel one for me as well- I say with a lower voice than usual.

-Okay 9,45$ then- the woman says as Chase pays- have a great day.

-you too- Chase says with a fake smile that immediately drops as we leave.

-So um...you regret what happened yesterday??- he asks me, his voice cracking.

My heart breaks- no of course not what's that for?- I say looking at him.

He shrugs- I don't know the way you said that you were fucking me as if it was like...something bad- he says, i could see his eyes filling with tears. I had to take care of this boy. He was so sensitive and lovely at once.

-I am sorry if that's how it sounded like Chase, but i promise i don't regret anything- i say rubbing his arm and interlocking our fingers- i just hope i would have been there for Austin as he was there for me.

He nods his head and looks at me with the corner of his eye.

I kiss his hand.

-Just text him, asking him if he wanna hang around or something, but to be honest, I don't think that that's what gonna help the most this time- he says- just give him some time.

Broken lovers- a Chase and Madelyn storyWhere stories live. Discover now