Part 34

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The three of them walked into the hospital. Odd.

Even odder, Diluc sat by Kaeya.

Kaeya was sitting up, reading. His arm still seemed to be busted. He seemed troubled. When he saw the trio enter the room, he put the book away. He seemed to hesitate to look at Diluc at all.

"Master Jean. Can I be of service?"

Jean shook her head, "No, Kaeya. Actually, Master Diluc wanted to see you. I don't know what he wants, but I'm going to go sit by the corner, so don't worry." She said and went to do just that.

Kaeya gulped. He put his head down, slightly, and looked at Diluc. "Yes, Master...?"

(Y/N) awkwardly went to stand near Jean.

Diluc looked down at his own hands, which were holding each other on his lap. He gulped and looked at Kaeya, "I shouldn't have gone so far."

"They're arresting you, aren't they?" Asked Kaeya.

Diluc nodded, "It's alright."

Kaeya sighed. It felt like he had so much to say.

"Diluc. (YN). The truth is... I had an expedition in Liyue last week. I was keeping my eye out in case I was approached by Fatui. And then I heard (Y/N)'s name. I went to check it out, and I saw the harbinger. I know how Diluc feels about Fatui, and I heard the harbinger's plans to woo (Y/N). If Diluc found out, he'd be furious. So I told him I was with her in hopes that he would back off, but he didn't, so I had to shoo him away in person. I didn't want Diluc to see him with you because he'd feel awful. But he ended up seeing worse than what he would have if I hadn't intervened. I feel responsible for everything that happened in the end. I'm not upset with anyone but myself."

Diluc stared at him, "Are you serious?"

(Y/N) frowned, "So you were thinking of Diluc when you did all that?"

Kaeya nodded, "I'm so... so sorry. To everyone."

"Kaeya, it isn't your fault." Diluc sighed, "I feel like an idiot. I'm the one who's sorry. Look at you. What happens to you now?"

"I need a ton of mora to get this fixed, I was just waiting until I was feeling a bit better so I could go work more."

Jean reacted, "Kaeya-"

Diluc put his hand up to stop Jean, "I'm going to pay for your operation, Kaeya."

Kaeya's eye (lol) widened. "Master Diluc! D-Don't! This is my responsibility and mine onl--"

"Look what I've done to you!" Diluc half-yelled. "Look at all the suffering I caused! I let myself get controlled by stupid emotions! I let fear drive me to hurt people. And scare people. And rip them of their homes..."

Kaeya swallowed, "Diluc, no. I mean- Don't do this for me. Please, think about this. It's me. Kaeya."

Diluc sighed, "Please... Let me do this, Captain. The end."

Kaeya frowned. He teared up a bit, but it looked like he was trying to hide it. "Thank you." He gulped.

Diluc nodded. He looked at (Y/N).

"Miss (Y/N)..." He started. Ouch. "What did you mean to tell me..?"

(Y/N) rubbed her arm, "Um... Please don't go to jail..."

Diluc was taken by surprise. "What?"

"Actually- the truth is... All the girls back at the winery... are putting their money together so you don't go."

"There's no way they're allowed, either way. They don't have a reason."

"Do you really think anyone in Mondstadt wants you arrested? The second you appeal, it's gonna be hard for them to say no! You're Master Diluc, for goodness sake, you can't go to jail!"

Jean eyed her. "I agree with miss (Y/N). But you didn't hear it from me."

Diluc shrugged. "Either way... I deserve this. You can't tell me you want me to roam the streets free after what I did."

"This isn't about me."

Diluc frowned. "I won't let you. It's not happening. I'm sorry."

Kaeya looked at Diluc and shot (Y/N) a glance, "The maids are seriously considering that? Do they know how expensive that is? There's no way they'd afford it."

(Y/N) shrugged and shook her head a bit.

"And... (Y/N)." Diluc looked at her.


He inhaled, "I paid to get your house rebuilt. And remodeled. I'm sorry. If you want to go on living there then do as you wish. I want you to forget I ever requested anything."

(Y/N) teared up, "Diluc..."

"Just go back to the manor."

She slowly nodded, "Okay..." She got up and made her way back.

Kaeya looked at Diluc, "I need to discuss something privately with Jean before you guys go back."

"Just a maid" (Diluc x Fem Reader) (SFW)Where stories live. Discover now