Part 28

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(Y/N) woke up in Diluc's arms on his bed. She glanced towards the window and saw that the sun was already up. It was unusual for Diluc to sleep past 7AM. She thought about her surroundings for a bit. She was in her night gown. From Diluc's closet. His manor was slowly becoming her own. She shook her head a bit and gently slipped off the bed.

To no surprise, Diluc woke up. He rubbed his eyes and sighed through his nose.

"(Y/N)... Where are you off to?" He mumbled tiredly.

Ugh... His sleepy voice </3

"Oh! I was just about to get dressed and be off to do some errands..."

"Like?" He questioned.

"Like... Go up to the market in Mondstadt and buy some ingredients..." She answered.

"What? No need!" He said as he sat up, "You have everything you could ever need right here."

"Huh? But, Diluc... I have somewhere to go home to..." Answered (Y/N) cautiously.

"Here." Said Diluc. "You go home here."

"W-What!? I don't..--"

"(Y/N), I want this to be your home. Don't you? This is the manor we will get married and start a family in. We have maids standing at our hand and foot. Isn't it perfect?" He asked

"S-Start a what now!??" (Y/N) was a little surprised.

"Did I say something strange? I intend on marrying you, (Y/N), wasn't that obvious? I'm not one to play around... I want you to have my children to pass down the Ragnvindr legacy!"

(Y/N) stared at him a bit. She blushed horribly. "R-Right..." She said and laughed nervously.

"The first step is you moving into my manor, isn't it? So say yes!"

"I-I don't know... I'll think about it..." She said quietly, shy.

"Why do you hesitate?"

"I..." (Y/N) seemed to have trouble finding her words in this situation. "I'll think on it, Diluc... But, for the meantime... I'm just gonna out on the town for a bit!"

Diluc nodded, "Of course... I'll see you."

"Yep... Love you." She said as she shuffled out of the room, grabbing her clothes.


What's all this..?

(Y/N) approached the mob in front of the adventurer's guild headquarters right inside the walls of Mondstadt.

It consisted of mostly Fatui and some people she didn't recognize.

Suddenly, the crowd dispersed and there stood an annoyed, tall, snezhnayan man. Somehow, his expression softened when he spotted (Y/N).

"You..." He said.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit. She looked around and she was the only one in his line of sight. "M-Me?"

"Come on!" He laughed. He suddenly felt like a different person, "You remember me, don't you!?"

"I... Hm..." She thought a little. That's right! She bumped into this guy on countless occasions during her time in Liyue.

"Childe..?" She asked.

"That's me!" He said and approached her, "Man! Never thought I'd get too see your beautiful face again after hearing you moved back to Mondstadt!"

"What? But I barely kn--"

Suddenly, the ginger man put his hand on her shoulder, "Too bad you were taken this whole time. I met up with your little boyfriend. Your taste could really use some working on..."

"Wh-- You met him??" She asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah. Well, he heard I was looking for you so he let me know you were out of reach. He's incompetent as hell, though! You can do better! Like, me, maybe." He smiled.

"Incompetent?" She repeteated, before realizing... "Wait- Why were you looking for me!?"

"Unimportant! We'll get to those matters later. Anyways, more about that dirtbag boyfriend of yours! Who knew you had a thing for authority figures! I mean- Cavalry captain of the KOF? Colour me impressed!"

"Cavalry captain? Captain Kaeya?" She asked, confused.

"If that's the ol' weirdo with the blue hair then jackpot."


She suddenly felt a second hand on her shoulder, "Ah, (Y/N)!" He smiled. "Great to see you here."

(Y/N) looked up at the captain. "Captain Kaeya..!"

&quot;Just a maid&quot; (Diluc x Fem Reader) (SFW)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz