Part 6

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"(Y/N)!" Called Diluc from behind the counter.

It was already time to leave? (Y/N) was all worn out anyway. She knew Diluc was going to be working today but he didn't have anything else to do at all? Working for 15 hours sure was... Exhausting. 

(Y/N) looked at Diluc, "Yes?"

"Are you finished? It's time to go home!" He smiled a bit, seemingly amused by her tired look.

"Uh, yeah!" She smiled nervously, "I'm done!"


The night was silent. There was a nice breeze and you could hear the leaves in the trees ruffling. It was a perfect July night. As (Y/N) and Diluc walked along the path to the Winery, (Y/N) was alert as ever. She had grown a bit paranoid ever since she heard what happened. Diluc was also on the lookout. He did say he wanted to check this whole deal out. He was watching his surroundings like a hawk.

In the blink of an eye, what was just a nice, clear night, had suddenly become a raging thunder storm. 

The rain was pouring and in a matter of seconds, the two of them were soaked.

Diluc looked...... Flabbergasted. He was staring at the sky in utter disbelief. (Y/N), however, found this to be quite humorous. She quickly burst out laughing and that seemed to trigger Diluc and made him laugh with her.

Soon enough, the two of them were running around and playing in the rain. They were all wet and could barely see but they were having a blast. Laughing and jumping and chasing each other like little kids. 

(Y/N) felt something hit her head and turned to see Diluc who was tossing pebbles at her.

"Hey!" She giggled and picked some twigs up and repeated his actions.

She suddenly got an idea and decided to use her vision to douse him in water even more. Diluc fell to the ground and was sat in the mud, quickly looking at the ground beneath him with a suddenly changed expression. He was shocked for a second but laughed it off.

"That costs money, you know!" He laughed and got up to chase (Y/N).

(Y/N) smiled, "I'm sorry!" She yelled before bolting.

Suddenly, she bumped into somebody. 

She fell back but was quickly caught by Diluc. He held onto her and looked up to see what she had bumped into.

In front of them was... Obviously...

"My~... Am I interrupting something?" Asked Kristin as she put her hands together.

Diluc quickly pulled (Y/N) up and held her closer to him, "Who are you?"

"Oh, come on. We met, don't you remember? You... Gave me this scar just yesterday!" She said as she revealed a long scar along her cheek, hidden beneath her hair. 

Diluc glared at her, "What do you want?"

Kristin immediately grinned as she pulled out her claymore and thunder started surrounding them, "I just want to say hello to my little sister!"

In no more than a second, Diluc pushed (Y/N) behind himself and pulled out his own weapon, "Not today, you're not."

And with that, they started going at it.

Neither of them were showing any mercy, and for (Y/N) watching this it was just weird. She was definitely worried for Diluc though, so she could not let him fight on his own. She pulled out her sword and got into a position, 

"I'll help!"

"(Y/N)! Stay back- It's too dangerous! I don't want you getting hurt!"


"Don't worry about me. I'm gonna get you out of this situation."

Kristin looked a little disgusted by their little exchange and decided to step it up.

By a lot, apparently, because she suddenly started forming a huge electro ball. It grew about twice the size of her body and quickly erupted, releasing a shockwave strong enough to push them a couple feet away from her. 

Upon hearing the loud noise it caused, there would be knights here in no time. Knowing that, Kristin quickly made her escape, "I'm not done with you!" And then the rain suddenly stopped.

Diluc had shielded his face when he noticed what she was doing, but he wasn't quick enough. He put his hands down but when he looked at them, they were covered in blood and his gloves were all ripped up. His left hand was far bloodier than his right, meaning he must have harmed his face. He couldn't feel much, but everything was hurting. He could barely keep his left eye open, and what he couldn't see was that the left side of his face was dripping with blood.

"Diluc! Your face... A-Are you okay?" (Y/N) quickly ran towards him and kneeled next to him.

She wasn't as cut up as him but she had a couple of cuts and scratched on her face.

Diluc looked at her with a soft expression and gently touched her face, "Your face...  Let's go back and get you patched up, shall we?"

Suddenly, a couple knights went running in their direction.

Their outrider Amber quickly saw them and looked worried,

"Master Diluc! Are you two alright?"

Jean made her way through the small crown, excusing herself, and stood before them.

She cleared her throat, "Master Diluc..."

Diluc looked at her uncomfortably, "Master Jean..."

(Y/N) was looking at the nights in awe. She was a fan of the knights, even though she knew Diluc wasn't. She never questioned his opinions.

Jean looked at (Y/N), "Jean. Acting Grand Master of the knights of Favonius." She saluted her and offered her a hand, "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay..."(Y/N) accepted her hand and she helped her up.

"Do you guys need help? We'll escort you to the cathedral."

Diluc took (Y/N)'s hand and cleared his throat, "That's okay, thank you. We'll be going now."

(Y/N) shared a rather awkward look with Jean as Diluc politely dragged her past all the knights. Jean sighed and looked at her fellow knights, "Let's investigate..."

"Just a maid" (Diluc x Fem Reader) (SFW)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt