Part 7

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An hour later, Diluc and (Y/N) were back at Diluc's manor.

Diluc was completely concentrated on (Y/N)'s face as he gently placed a band-aid on her cheek, where she had been cut and bleeding. He cupped her face and looked at her with a surprisingly stern expression.

(Y/N) was completely pink by this point, of course, but she didn't let it get in the way of her manners.

After Diluc's hand left her face, she looked down. "Thank you, Diluc..." She smiled softly.

Diluc's stern look quickly softened as he managed to give her a small smile.

Half of his face had been completely bandaged. He had a band head injury and seemed to be bruised around his eye. It was hard for (Y/N) to see him in such a state, but as long as the both of them were sitting and healing together then she was okay. 

Considering the late hour, (Y/N) let out a polite yawn, which made Diluc quickly react.

He looked at her kindly and spoke, "You're tired, huh..." He looked out the window by his bed, on which they were seated, and sighed calmly. "Well- It's a long way back to your house, isn't it? Besides, it is quite late for you to be walking about all on your own. Y-Your sister might still be out there, there's that too. And... You are injured..." Said Diluc as he placed his finger on his chin. "Why not just sleep here?" He suggested suddenly.

(Y/N) was quickly taken aback. Her eyes widened a little as she blushed a light red, "W-What? Ah- Do you have an extra bed?" She asked as calmly as she could, though it was difficult.

"Hm... I'm afraid they're all occupied by the live-in maids and housekeepers as of right now, considering we recently hired at the Ragnvindr manor......" Said Diluc, obliviously. "Well. That's definitely an issue."

"I-It's okay! I'll just walk home. No problem!" Said (Y/N), nervously.

"I'm afraid that's too dangerous." He got up from the bed they were sitting on and undid his hair all of a sudden.

(Y/N) was mesmerized by his perfect long fiery red hair. She stared at it with a beaming smiled as she waited for herself to come up with what to say next- or at least for Diluc to turn around.

"I have an idea." He said finally.


(Y/N) awkwardly lay on her back in Diluc's bed, as the sheets covered her body, which was now in some robes he had to borrow from a maid. 

Diluc was lying right beside her. He was holding the blanket up to conceal his body.

The two of them were burning red in this awkward situation.

After the two of them rolled over to face one another, they both quickly snapped out of it.

(Y/N) quickly worked up the courage to say something and break the silence, "I--"

Diluc quickly interrupted her, his expression was suddenly serious and somewhat sad, "(Y/N), I don't think you should work at the winery anymore." He said before letting out a sigh and looking into her eyes.

(Y/N) was shocked. She didn't expect that turn. She didn't know what to think, so she quickly reacted, "What?"

"Look- I don't want to have to do this to you. Unfortunately, however, it is unsafe for you to be here. Your sister knows you're in Mondstadt. Do you understand how small Mondstadt is? Also, she knows where you work and what roads you take, apparently. It's just not safe..."

(Y/N) frowned quickly as her heart started racing. She sat up and looked at him, "No, I- I don't want to leave! Are you saying I should move nations? I don't understand, Diluc... Mondstadt is... Home... And- I don't want to leave you." She rambled on and on about how she disagreed before finally giving up and lying back down and sighing.

"Hey... It- It was merely a suggestion... I'm trying my best to make sure you are safe, as you had done for me these past few months." He said and smiled a bit, "Clearly, I mean... Just look at us!"

(Y/N) was unamused. Tears filled her eyes and she averted her eyes from Diluc's worried stare.

Diluc quickly realized that it wasn't the time for him to try and lighten any mood. He sighed softly and looked down, "Look... It would be temporary. Okay? I'll go back for you immediately after this whole threat blows over... I promise you." He reassured her as he held her hand.

(Y/N) was turned to other way, trying to hide her tears. Her tearful expression was too embarrassing for Diluc to see. "Fine."

Diluc frowned at her as he moved some of her hair out of her face, "(Y/N)... Is everything alright?"

(Y/N) didn't think she could respond without breaking down so she remained quiet and pulled the blanket up higher as she closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose. 

Frowning, Diluc left his hand on her head and watched her for a few more minutes before finally turning the lamp beside him off and going to sleep. 

"Just a maid" (Diluc x Fem Reader) (SFW)Where stories live. Discover now