Part 33

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(Y/N) felt chills every time she thought of what happened yesterday. Her talk with Diluc, especially. For the meantime, he's being held behind bars at the headquarters. He still has some meetings to deal with before his sentence is decided. But he's looking at around 2 years. Even as an esteemed citizen and a pyro vision holder, you can get arrested for arson. Not to mention assault and attempted murder. 

Knowing Diluc, he's most likely going to stay imprisoned. By choice. He thinks he deserves that and that it would be wrong of him to refute or appeal.

Naturally, while Diluc is confined, the winery is in the hands of Kaeya. But after a brief explanation, the captain had heard enough and left it to (Y/N). They both knew Diluc would prefer it that way. Luckily, due to the circumstances, there weren't any responsibilities for her just yet.

She was on her way to the manor since she was going to be staying there, considering she has no house anymore. The second she knocked, Adelinde opened the door and pulled her into a hug.

Ever since (Y/N) first started as Diluc's maid, Adelinde was always like a mother to her because of their difference in age (especially all the nagging). Adelinde was in her 40s, and (Y/N) was only a teenager. It was the same for Diluc. She was like his mother for so many years and was close in age to his father. And when Diluc started making room in his life for (Y/N), so did Adelinde, despite all the bickering they used to do. 

Adelinde pulled away from their silent 10-second long hug and exhaled.

"Oh, my dear... Tell me you're alright..." She said.

(Y/N) nodded, "Yeah, I'm... I'm okay. Just a little distraught."

Adelinde slowly nodded along, "We all are... You know, we have a plan." She said as she walked (Y/N) to the dining table, "Care for some soup?"

(Y/N) nodded politely, "Please." She sat down, "What plan? Plan for what?"

"Well," Adelinde poured her a bowl and set it in front of her, "The master has been paying us all generously. We wanted to use this blessing to help him out - return the favour. He'd never do this on his own, so it's up to us."

"You're telling me... You want to... Bail Diluc out of jail?" (Y/N) asked, surprised. "All of you guys?"

Adelinde nodded, "Yes. We wanted to run it by you since you're our master for the time being. And, considering the things he's done to you yesterday, we wanted your opinion on whether or not it's fair to you that he doesn't serve his sentence." Adelinde sat down, "But - excuse me for this - we also thought you'd be kind enough to consider everything he has done FOR you."

(Y/N) looked down in thought and took a sip from the soup.

Bail Diluc out of jail... Then what? What if he goes on a little rampage?

Leave him in there... How will he feel? What would happen to the winery? Or to him? 2 years is an awful lot.

"Please... Let me think about this." (Y/N) said.

Suddenly, Moco came in. One of the maids. "I heard Acting Grandmaster Jean was letting Diluc roam Mondstadt tonight. With her supervision. Because he says he has some duties to wrap up."

Adelinde looked at her, "Really?"

Moco nodded.

Suddenly, Hillie, another maid, came in behind her. "I also heard that. It's spreading around Mondstadt like a (sorry Y/N) wildfire!"

(Y/N) looked unamused by the joke.

Adelinde looked at her, "Please let Diluc know I'm thinking of him. If you see him."

She was gonna go look for him. She had some new business to discuss with him.


As (Y/N) walked through town, everyone was sharing glances and murmurs. Like, go home already. It's 9PM . She was irritated by the attention. But, since the townspeople were so attentive, they might know where Diluc and Jean were.

She approached Blanche from the produce stand and leaned against the counter, clearing her throat.

"Excuse me, Blanche... Have you seen where the acting grandmaster took Master Diluc?"

Blanche stepped out of her stand and crouched over to erase her little chalk sign, "Yeah, uhm. They were just by here. I believe they were headed up to the cathedral."

(Y/N) nodded, "Thank you, Blanche!" She said and ran off in a hurry.

She sprinted to the cathedral, completely out of breath.

Luckily, a hydro vision comes in handy at times like these.

She ran up around the giant statue of Barbatos and saw Diluc and Jean going up the stairs.

What could Diluc want from there? Obviously, not to pray. And she couldn't see why he'd want to face Kaeya after this.

She watched them enter and quickly ran in after them.

Jean turned her head and stopped walking, "(Y/N)?"

Diluc turned.

(Y/N) looked at them both, "What's going on? I-I mean... I needed to speak with Master Diluc. Actually, I'll wait for you to finish your business first!"

Diluc looked her up and down as Jean nodded.


"Uh- ...Huh?" (Y/N) asked, confused.

"Never mind it. Just come in with me."


"Just a maid" (Diluc x Fem Reader) (SFW)Where stories live. Discover now