Chapter 47: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

"I know I made the right choice recruiting you." Herakles was in awe of the choker. "Alice's condition aside, is there any concerning news that needs to be brought up at the moment?" Jack raised his hand. "Yes Jack?"

"Well I think I'm possessed by a spirit that only I can see." Jack summoned the phantom and it hovered through the air above everyone. "I summoned Simo from another world called 'Earth' after he died so now he thinks this is the afterlife."

"'Sup." Simo held up two fingers while everyone looked at him.

"I absorbed three people from the Children of Destiny, Uriel, Ariel, and Cronos, using my History Maker ability after they supposedly got out of the barrier of Mythia." Jack continued talking. "I am supposedly also a Dreamer class, I found Lorelei in an island in the middle of the ocean and she claims to be from a noble family that can amplify people's magic, also, Mr.Librarian, I got all the ingredients you wanted to make the potion that restores my powers to their pre-accident state.

"'s been like four months weeks since you woke up." Maui looked at Jack in disbelief. "How the fuck is this happening?"

"I'm amazed Simo is from another world." Sobek pointed at Simo, who looked confused as hell.

"It's not that hard to believe." Nikola was checking his pocket watch.

"I'm sorry, I've been telling all of you I'm from FINLAND!" Simo shouted. "Is there another place named Finland on this continent?!"

"Okay, that one's on us." Cheng shrugged before moving on. "So this spirit?"

"I just call it Phantom, and to prove to everyone I'm not just losing my shit." Jack ordered, and the phantom picked up the coffee mug on Herakles' desk and gave it to Jack. "They can't talk."

"Okay, so the Lorelei issue, you claim her noble family's ability is amplification?" Mansa looked at the blue haired girl, who was dozing off. "Odd, I don't recall a noble family's ability being the power to amplify. Does she also have a noble weapon and noble talent?"

"I don't think so..." Jack looked back at Lorelei. "Hey Lorelei, do you have anything you're exceptional at and a magic weapon?"

"Yes I do!" Lorelei smiled and summoned a wand from her hair, not the magical kind, but the kind one would see from a conductor. "My skills are also Musical. Meaning anything musical I can do."

"So basically, you're the bard who focuses on buffing allies?" Juana asked, and Lorelei nodded.

"I'll look through the library for anything involving this." The librarian signed with his hands, and thankfully, everyone except for Maui understood him.

"The you being half dreamer part is possibly the least surprising thing there is here, since your mother was a dreamer class too." Herakles then moved onto the next issue. "So...Uriel, Ariel, and Cronos are currently residing inside you?"

"Yeah I think I absorbed their phantom souls or whatever." Jack noticed that the librarian is now looking closely at Jack's eyes.

"I speculate that they were only to teleport themselves back to their respective countries." Cheng stepped up. "This also meant that they couldn't go anywhere outside their borders. They formed a pact with Jack here to unify their powers, and also move from place to place."

"Geppetto, didn't your barrier also restrict teleportation of any variety?" Herakles turned his chair to face the pacing man behind him, who was too distracted with his own thoughts to hear Herakles. "GEPPETTO!"

"Eh? Oh? What?" Geppetto's usual smile was missing, he was concerned for Alice, because she was the only family he had left. "Sorry, I was trying to think."

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