Shot 40

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Aman hurried to into ARS's cabin and entered it without knocking. One look at Aman's dishevelled look, Arnav knew there was trouble.

"What is it, Aman?" Arnav asked.

"Media.. Media is here.." Aman said in between taking deep breaths. Arnav shot an annoyed look at him.

"So what? Just ignore them.." Arnav said.

"No no.. They have swamped Khushi outside AR. The security is trying to get them off her, but there are too many of them.."

Arnav froze when he heard that. After a moment of freezing, he jumped out of his chair and rushed out of his cabin. He was practically pounding down the staircase, taking three steps at a time. The employees were staring at him in open mouthed wonder. The always immaculate ASR looked panicked. Not an emotion they could associate with their boss.

Aman and Akash were hot on his heels. Akash on his way out, pulled Payal along with him, knowing very well that Khushi would need Payal with her at this moment.

Outside AR..

Khushi wished that the mother earth would open up and swallow her as a whole.

"Ms Khushi.. Are you the one who trapped Mr Arnav Singh Raizada?"

"Ms Khushi, weren't you the woman who crashed the AR fashion event a few months ago and fell into ASR's arms? Was it a planned attempt to garner ASR's attention?"

"Ms Khushi, is it true that you were appointed as a trainer for ASR's girlfriend, Ms Lavanya Kasyap? How did you take ASR away from Ms Kashyap"

The questions were thrown at her without any mercy. She could feel the flashes of the camera on her face and she tried very hard to hide her face.

She felt horrible exposed.

Before she was bombarded with another question, she felt herself being blanketed by a pair of powerful arms.

Arnav forced his way through the annoying paparazzi and pulled Khushi into her arms, wrapping himself around her in such a way that nobody could even touch a single strand of her hair.

"OUT OF MY PROPERTY RIGHT NOW!" Arnav screamed at the media representatives and he felt Khushi shivering in his arms, which only made his rage at the paparazzi increase.

"If you don't move out of here in the next five seconds, be ready to face trespassing charges" Arnav threatened coldly and knowing very well that ASR doesn't give empty threats, they filed out of the compound one by one.

"Aman, buy them off. Not even a single photograph should reach any media office" Arnav gave orders to Aman as he walked towards his white SUV, with Khushi still safe in his arms.

"On it, ASR!" Aman nodded.

"Also, find who brought the paparazzi in. I need the information within an hour" Came the next order.

"Right away, ASR" Aman said and hurried away from there to carry out his duties.

ASR opened the passenger seat door of his car and made Khushi sit. He got into the driver's seat. Akash and Payal hurriedly got into the car, knowing very well that ASR wouldn't wait for them, instead would just drive away, leaving them there.

The drive towards Laxmi Nagar was tense and silent. Khushi was simply staring out through the window. Her thoughts far far away..

"Khushi.." Arnav called out softly, startling Khushi out of her wandering thoughts.

"I know you are very much disturbed with whatever happened today. But I promise you Khushi, I will not let any harm come to your reputation or name Khushi. This is Arnav Singh Raizada's promise. You can trust me on this" Arnav said and for some reason, she trusted him.

Khushi stared at him. She felt scared and worried. Today, when he had wrapped his arms around her, she had felt as if she was in the safest place in this whole world. And that feeling scared her. She didn't want to feel that way.

It had taken her a lot of will power to push whatever feelings she had for him into the deepest darkest corner of her heart. And today, now, she could feel it all pouring out again. And she didn't want that to happen.

What if he pushes her away again..

What if he breaks her heart with his cutting words again?

She won't be able to bear it again.

"Uh bhai, you missed a turn" Akash said, realising that Arnav didn't take the turn towards the Laxmi Nagar.

"I know.. Before dropping them home, I want her to see some people" Arna said and drove towards the old Raizada godown in the outskirts of Delhi.

The car stopped in front of the warehouse and the three of them frowned in confusion.


Arnav walked into the warehouse and the other three followed him in.

A man in his mid thirties came from inside.

"ASR.." he greeted formally and nodded at the other three people acknowledging their presence.

"Sunny, how are they now?" ASR asked.

"Alive" Sunny answered in a single word.

Khushi and Payal held hands, the ambience around here scaring them.

As they walked into the dimly lit room, they saw four human figures hanging upside down.

Khushi and Payal let out a scared gasp.

"Get them down.. It's time for the face off" Arnav said and Sunny eyed his men to carry out the orders.

As the four men were seated on the floor, Sunny switched on a more brighter light.

Khushi and Payal gasped seeing the faces of those men.

It were them. The thugs who harassed Khushi in Lucknow after the Sheesh Mahal footage was aired.

Sunny poured water on them and they all came awake with a start.

They looked up and seeing Khushi, they understood where the quotation had come from.

"Sister.. We are sorry for everything. We will never look at any woman after this. Please save us from this monster.." The men begged Khushi.

Khushi stared at Arnav in horrified wonder.

'You remember telecasting the footage of your fashion show, Mr Raizada. You portrayed me as a tramp in that video. And people believed it. Do you know what happened to me after that? I was molested. Publicly, in the daylight. Why? Because they thought 'Ah she is a tramp anyways. Out hunting for men. Why not have some fun with her?'. So, you see, Mr Raizada, it very much matters to me what other people think about me'

She remembered screaming those words at Arnav a week or so ago. Not even in his wildest dreams did she imagine that he would go after them.

"I know I am equally responsible for what happened that day, Khushi. And I am leaving my punishment for you to carry out." Arnav said and he could still hear the men begging Khushi to save their life.

Khushi turned towards them and her eyes flashed hatred at them..

"There is no point in punished dead people. You all look dead to me.." Khushi said and walked out from there, not wanting to see them anymore.

"Drop them back off at Lucknow" Arnav said and their faces brightened up, which immediately dulled after his next sentence.

"Make sure that they cannot live the rest of their life without a help" Arnav said and walked out of there.

His phone rang at that moment. It was Aman. His face darkened hearing the news from the other side.


Hello guys..

Sorry for not updating during the last month. Was very busy during Ramadan..

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