part 7

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"What's the deal with you and Mr Raizada??" Kushi heard Advi asking and she stilled for a moment.

"What deal? What are you talking about?" Kushi asked opting a nonchalant look

"I don't know jalebi. That's why I'm asking. He has been glowering at you and me both since he saw you there" Advaith said with a confused frown.

"He hates me" Kushi said with a shrug

"He hates you? Why in the hell?" Advaith asked in astonishment. He couldn't comprehend why anybody could hate someone as adorable and cute as Kushi. She is practically a child and no one can ever hate a child.

"Because I'm a 'middle class' woman" Kushi said air quoting the works middle class.

"You got to be kidding me. Is he nuts?" Advaith asked in total bewilderment. He couldn't figure out how being middle class warrants hate.

Kushi shrugged.

"He is complicated man to understand Advi. Let's not waste our time on the impossible" Kushi said

"When we bid goodbye, he looked at me as if I killed his favourite puppy and he would like nothing more than hunting me to death" Advi said shuddering as he remembered the lasers ASR threw his way just before they left.

To think that, he will have to work with that man...

"Well, he hates anything and everything related to me" Kushi said with a shrug.

"Then he needs serious help" Advaith said

"Leave it Advi. Let's move" Kushi said and sighed in relief as Advi took her on her words.


Arnav Singh Raizada paced back and forth in his bedroom, trying to figure out why the hell he feels as if the ground is slipping from beneath his feet.

So what if she is engaged? What if she is getting married? What if she is wearing the ring of that man?

As the vision of that ring appeared in his mind, along with that of the man's hand on her shoulder, Arnav felt a blinding rage pass through him.

Why does it matter? Why damn it!!

Faraq kyun pad raha hei??
(Why does it matter?)

The best thing to do will be to go to AR and immerse himself in work rather than thinking about her.

He was about to walk out of his bedroom, when an excited Lavanya came in wearing a multicoloured Anarkali, with hangings here and there.

Kushi's style, was the first thought that came into his mind. And it was like showing a red rag to a bull.

"ASR. How is this? I bought it today" Lavanya said excitedly

"What the hell Lavanya. What kind of low class dressing is this?" Arnav roared and the smile slipped from Lavanya's face

"ASR" Lavanya whispered

"Change it now" ASR decreed

Lavanya took in a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes, gathering all her courage

"No" Lavanya said further fueling ASR's anger.

"The woman standing beside me should have a class of her own Lavanya. I dated you only because you had that. This is not what I want in my date" ASR said taking out all his anger regarding Kushi on Lavanya

Lavanya flinched as she heard the unspoken words.

He has no feelings for her. He had spelled it out for her.

Tears started running down her cheeks. When he asked her out on a date, she was ecstatic. All for what??

ASR turned around and walked back into his room with measured steps.

Lavanya stared at his retreating back with a heavy heart.

She can't do this anymore. She needs answers. She can't live with him, when he doesn't have any feelings for her.

With that thought in mind, she followed after him towards his room.

Arnav stared into nothing, feeling totally lost.

He couldn't understand what is happening to him.

He heard movement behind him and without ever turning around, he started speaking.

"Mein jaanta hu ki jaane anjaane mein tumhe bahut chot pahuchaye hei. Lekin wo isilye kyunki mujhe kabhi pata hi nahi chaltha" Arnav said, feeling the pain himself
(I know I have hurt you a lot knowingly and unknowingly. That's because I never knew..)

Lavanya was left speechless.

She couldn't believe that the great ASR is apologising to her.

Everytime she decides to let him go, he does something to hold her back.

"But then, when I realise it, I regret. I really do. Bahut bura lagta mujhe.But mein kuch bhi jaan kar nahi karta kushi, mein bass Aisa hi hu..." Arnav trailed off
(I feel really very bad. I don't know why I'm doing this Kushi. I'm just like that..."

Lavanyas heart broke into a million pieces, finally hearing the truth from ASR himself.

Whether he realises it or not, ASR is in love with Kushi Kumari Gupta.

The same middle class girl he claims to hate.

Lavanya placed a hand on his shoulder, and he stopped his ranting.

"ASR. It's Lavanya" Lavanya whispered and Arnav closed his eyes in disbelief.

What the hell have he done.

Where did Kushi come in between.

Why was he thinking of all the time he have hurt Kushi, when he had shouted at Lavanya a moment ago.

Arnav turned around to face her only to see her heartbreak written all over her face

"Lavanya..." he called out softly.

Lavanya shook her head, turned on her heels and hurried out of the bedroom.

This needs to end today, ASR decided.

He can't use Lavanya to push Kushi away anymore. He never once considered Lavanya's feelings in all this. And he had broken her heart.

He needs to tell her, that he cannot do this anymore.

He walked into Lavanya's room to find her hurriedly wiping her tears.


"Lavanya, we need to talk"


Here goes the next shot

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