Part 21

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"Kushi" Arnav mumbled softly, as he felt the increase in his heart beat. Something that he experiences every time a certain Hazel eyed beauty is around.

"Kushi? Kushi who?" Aman asked, with an awkward laugh.

ASR looked at Aman with a frown. Why is his ever efficient second in hand looking so disturbed?

And how many Kushis does Aman know?

"Is Kushi here? Kushi Kumari Gupta?" ASR asked openly. He didn't care what Aman would think. It's not as if he is planning to hide his feelings from anyone.

He might not be going around announcing that he is in love with Khushi Kumari Gupta. But he isn't going to hide it either.

"Kushi? Why would Kushi be here?" Aman asked with a nervous chuckle, making Arnav frown more.

That's right! Why would Kushi be here? What is he even thinking!

Arnav shook his head and walked towards his cabin.

Aman heaved a sigh of relief and dashed towards the pantry.

"Aman ji? Why did you push me into the pantry? Why did you ask me to hide?" Kushi asked, as soon as she saw Aman.

"I didn't want ASR to spot you, Kushi. You remember how it was the last time." Aman said, making Kushi frown.

"Mr Raizada doesn't know that I am here?" Kushi asked suspiciously 

"Of course No. Hiring new employees is done by the HR department. ASR has no hand in it. He only deals with hiring high level employees. Especially designers. Oh God! How am I going to deal with this now. If he finds out, I will be fired for sure" Aman said with a groan.

Kushi still couldn't believe that ASR didn't have a hand in her new employment.

And she didn't know what to feel about it.

"Who hired me then?" Kushi asked

"The agency sends in the resumes of possible candidates. The HR department selects the employees" Aman said

"And who works in HR?" Kushi asked

"Lavanya Kashyap is the HR team head." Aman said

Lavanya ji? Why would Lavanya ji do this to her? 

"But Lavanya is on a two weeks leave. Currently Pam is in charge" Aman said, his eyes widening realising what must have happened 

"Pam ji?" Kushi asked

"Damn it! She must have done it purposely. I heard her saying yesterday during lunch hour that it was such bad luck that they couldn't see ASR blasting at Kushi. But there will be chances of entertainment sooner. I should have known. I shouldn't have simply given the go ahead without checking the employees chart. I didn't give much attention because it is an errand post" Aman said 

Kushi sighed. So, ASR does not have a hand in bringing her here. 

The great ASR wasn't trying to write her destiny.

Her devi maiya herself is playing games now, it seems.

"Aman ji, if I lose this job, I will be able to get one only after a full run of the other employees. I can't take a chance. I need this" Kushi said

"I understand. I will try to keep you away from ASR as much as possible. For now, let's not inform him that you are here. The lesser he knows, the better" Aman said

Kushi nodded, though not very sure. 

Destiny has a weird way of making them cross their paths.

Now that they are under the same roof, how long before the game starts?

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