Part 24

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Aman started explaining things to Kushi.

"Our next fashion event is happening next month, Kushi" Aman said

"Okay" Kushi said, frowning in confusion, wondering what she has got to do with the fashion show.

It's not like she is going to crash it again. Never ever.

Her eyes widened, thinking that ASR had called her in to warn her about crashing the fashion show like the last time.

She glared at ASR furiously, who frowned not knowing why he was being bestowed with this glare now.

"What?" Arnav asked

"You think I would be stupid enough to go anywhere near that fashion event again? Remember what I said earlier? Khushi Kumari Gupta does not have the habit of repeating her mistakes" Kushi bit out, confusing both Arnav and Aman.

"What nonsense are you talking about, Kushi?" Arnav asked

"You called me here to warn me, right? To stay away from the event. I apologise for the last time, Mr Raizada. Though I wasn't at fault, if any losses had been incurred because of my accidental appearance on your show, I deeply regret. But then, you already paid me back for all that. But rest assured, it wouldn't be happening again" Kushi said formally 

Arnav stared at her in disbelief 

"What the! How does your stupid brain comes up with such twisted things?" Arnav asked.

"Mr Raizada.." Kushi began to talk. But Arnav raised his palm and asked her stop talking.

"Listen to what Aman says. Then talk" Arnav said and signaled Aman to continue.

Aman sighed and started speaking.

"As I was saying. We are collaborating with an American fashion industry. D-fab. The fashion event will be held in honor of that. And the theme is Indo-american and Indo-western." Aman said

Kushi nodded, listening carefully. D-fab is the company where her best friend Advaith works. Whatever they are talking about must be important for Advi too.

"As you already are aware. We have many designers in our company. But they are all specialised in western and American. We need someone who c have fresh ideas for Indian designs" Aman said

"You want me to search for Indian designers?" Kushi asked in confusion 

Are they trusting her with such a huge responsibility?

"No. ASR wants to hire you as a designer here" Aman said

Kushi looked at Arnav in shock.

Her? A designer?

Had he gone mad!

"Me? I know nothing about fashion designing" Kushi said

"I have seen your works, Kushi. Your Lucknowi works are awesome." Arnav said and Kushi felt her heart flutter at that compliment. 

He noticed?

He had noticed her works?

Well? Does it matter? Her brain questioned.

No. It doesn't. 

"They are mere embroidery works, Mr Raizada. I don't know how I can help with that" Kushi asked

"I am not asking you to manage the entire Indian section, Kushi. We will be hiring more people too. But your style is totally unique. These pompoms, beads works and all sorts of such things in your dresses. They are all your ideas right?" Arnav asked

"Yes" Kushi said

"Imagine them on western clothes. Not the exact same things. Similar things. Can you come up with ideas, right?" Arnav asked

And Kushi imagined doing lucknowi embroidery on a denim jacket.

How would it look?

"Is fashion designing that simple? I had no idea" Kushi said in wonder and Arnav stared at her in disbelief 

He had worked hard to earn his degree in fashion designing. And she is saying that it's simple. 

"I am not sure, I can do this, Mr Raizada" Kushi said, still in doubt.

"The Kushi I know is not a quitter. Are you admitting defeat without even trying?" Arnav Singh Raizada mocked and that fired up Kushi.

Just want Arnav wanted

"Fine. I will do it" Kushi said

A sad looking Akash's face appeared in front of Arnav.

"What about your sister?" Arnav asked suddenly

"What about her?" Kushi asked

"She might also know traditional designs right?" Arnav asked

"Uh she does. In fact she knows better than me" Kushi said

"Ask her also to join." Arnav said, surprising both Kushi and Aman.

Is ASR hiring someone without even seeing their work? Just taking Kushi's words at face value? Aman wondered in horror.

"Uh. I will ask jiji if she is interested" Kushi said

"Convince her. It's a win-win situation, Kushi. We get two talented traditional designers. And the two of you get individual salaries. Both are higher." Arnav said

"As I said, I will discuss it with my sister. And if she is interested, she will join. If not" Kushi said and shrugged. 

"Fine. Now come with me. I will introduce you to our main designers" Arnav said and stood up from his chair.

Aman stared at the retreating back of the duo.

ASR going around introducing an employee to others?

What had this world come down to.

He walked out of ASR's cabin and bumped into Akash 

"Aman? Are you okay?" Akash asked

"Is ASR okay?" Aman asked back, making Akash confused.

"Why? What could be wrong with bhai?" Akash asked

Aman explained everything, including hiring Payal.

"What? Bhai hired Payal ji?" Akash asked in a joyous disbelief 

"Yes. Why are you so excited about it?" Aman asked

"Where is bhai?" Akash asked, not patient enough to answer Aman's questions.

"He went to introduce Kushi to the other designers" Aman said and before Aman could say another word, Akash disappeared 

"What the hell is wrong with these brothers?" Aman muttered to himself and groaned out loud as he heard his phone ringing. The caller tone indicates that it's his mother.

He can't deal with her too today.

As soon as Akash spotted Arnav, he lunged at him and hugged him hard.

All the employees stared at it in disbelief. 

Though everyone knows that the brothers love each other very much, they have never witnessed any bromance moments between them.

"Thank you bhai" Akash said.

And Arnav knows what the thank you is for.

"You're my brother. I will do anything for you" Arnav said

Kushi wondered what they were talking about and shook her head realising that it's none of her business.


Here goes the next shot.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Sorry for the delay, I was caught with an exclusive book contract. I had to finish it.

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A Beautiful NightmareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz