They killed them

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As Cara unlocked the door to her apartment, Andy kept scoping out the old building she lived in.

It looked so familiar to him.

"We're here," Cara said, opening the door and inviting him inside.

Her apartment was very cute, with paintings everywhere on the walls, a green kitchen, and books lined up on the shelves everywhere.

The place smelled old, but in a good way. Suddenly, Cara disappeared from his sight and ran into her bedroom.

Andy just stood in the kitchen, taking in the surroundings.

Cara walked back out with an old picture and handed it to Andy.

It was a family portrait of Cara, her mom, dad, and her brother.

"This is my family," she said. "I was 15 years old when a group of vampires killed them. They died, except for me."

Andy was in shock.

"What.." he mumbled to himself, staring at the picture. They all looked so happy.

"I don't know why they let me stay alive, but after all these years.. I still never knew why they didn't kill me with them," Cara said softly.

Andy placed the picture on the counter and looked at her.

"I'm so sorry," Andy said, feeling terrible.

Cara's eye got glossy. She kept looking at the photo, and he could tell she really missed them.

"I just need to know why this is happening to me, why they allowed me to live.. why they left me there with their blood on my hands. I was a child," Cara said, wiping a tear from her eyes.

Andy felt so disappointed. He never knew he would feel sentimental for a human, and feeling her pain.

Suddenly, Cara's face filled with hate and anger.

"I'll find them one day, and I'll make them pay for what they did to my family," she said, walking to her kitchen cabinet to grab a bottle of wine.

Andy watched her as she got more and more angry. He understood her suffering. He's dealt with so much death in his life as well, unresolved.

"They are out there still, roaming around New York probably doing the same to other people," Cara added, walking to the couch and pouring herself wine. Andy followed.

"It's just how they are.. they don't have any feelings for anything," he said, sitting beside her.

Cara was distraught and took a big sip of her wine. "You want some?" she asked him, trying to change the subject.

He nodded in silence as he watched her pour him a glass. He read her eyes and saw sadness.

Once she was done, he had a sip and faced towards her.

"I'm here. I can help you," he said softly to her.

Cara smiled in disbelief. "Thank you," she said.

As the night went on, they had more glasses, more bottles later. The sun was setting in her apartment.

She had a fire going, and they were playing soft music. The warm ambiance filled the room.

Andy finished his fifth glass of wine, watching Cara dance to the music in front of him.

In her drunken state, she still looked so beautiful to him.

Cara twirled with her glass in her hand, and suddenly, a splash of wine hit her fuzzy carpet.

"Shit," she giggled, crouching down to get it out.

"Allow me," Andy said, getting up to grab a wet towel.

Cara watched as he walked back to her, bending down to wipe it off. Andy felt her staring, and they both locked eyes.

All of a sudden, they both stopped what they were doing and began to make out.

The kisses got more wet, more passionate.

Cara crawled on top of Andy, her hands digging into his hair.

He picked her up, her legs wrapped around him. Both of them breathing heavy, he went towards her bedroom blindly.

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