CHAPTER twenty one

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Sorry for the long wait. Anyway, Happy reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️



I planning a huge and grand wedding much to Christodia’s disapproval. She wants a small type of wedding with only our family members but I want the exact opposite. I want the one that will be on the headlines for years to come. A wedding people won’t get tired of talking about. A type of wedding that new couples will compare theirs to. A wedding that will set the lead or a trend for others to look upon and follow suit. That is the one I’m going in for.

They say a wedding is the single most important moment in a lady’s life but it is similarly an important moment in a guy’s life so I’m going to make it huge. Because I, Kwame Agyapong, deserve nothing less.

As part of my plan, I visited Christodia’s dad with Bright and his condition was heartbreaking. He had type three diabetes and he was having it worse. His legs were totally paralyzed and he also was bleeding from his rectum making it very difficult for him to stand or sit.

The doctor said it was rectal cancer but he couldn’t go through surgery because he didn’t have enough blood and his body was rejecting blood transfusing.

On seeing me, he tried to appear strong even though he was looking so pale and tired. I immediately told the doctor in charge that if it was beyond his capabilities, I was going to send the man outside the country for the best expects to work on his condition. In fact, I got on the phone and started making plans for it but I was told I didn’t have that authority to transfer him because I wasn’t a relative. I rushed back home to explain the situation to Christodia.

I don’t know if it was how, I explained the situation, or it was God that had finally changed her heart, but she was finally willing to see her dad. The three of us made it back to the hospital.

The old man told us that his time was near and that there was no need to waste money on him. We all could tell.

The father and daughter made up and Bright was able to meet his maternal granddad. From his situation, I knew he won’t last long and I still wanted him to be there at his daughter’s wedding. So, we made arrangement to have the traditional wedding in two days’ time and the white wedding the next day. Praying that he will last that long.

We had to rush everything so I couldn’t have the wedding of my choice but that thus not mean that it was going to be anything short of what I wanted. I had to do it right this time around. I know the bride price had been paid already so it wasn’t really necessary for another traditional wedding but I wanted to honor my queen. I was going to pay it again if necessary.

The invitation was sent to all the higher ups, businessmen and women and other important people in the country and everybody we knew. Everybody who had had business with me or has business with me was present. It might have been what they call a gunshot wedding but it was still grand. What at all can’t money do?

The two wedding gowns were made by a very famous designer who probably pull an all-night with his staffs to make them look perfect and more importantly, to suit Christodia’s taste. For me, my suit had been ready a long time ago, about three years ago and I was going with that one. It had a story.

On the D-day, Christodia’s dad sat in his customized wheelchair that had been designed to make him feel as comfortable as possible. He sat as the head of his family in front of his family while thirty girls paraded before him with different baskets full of different items on their heads as the bridal gifts. The items ranged from different cloths to jewelries to different brands of assorted drinks. Whatever bride lists the family gave me, I tripled them and presented to them.

Chris was brought forward was asked if it was alright to accept the items and she looked at me with loving eyes and said yes. It was a joyous occasion despite the sadness that kept flashing in Christodia’ eyes whenever she looked at her dad. I knew the man was suffering even though he was trying so hard to stay awake and appear happy.

He looked like he was using his last strength so I had him taken back to the hospital amidst the party that was going on. My wife and I together with our son also left after a while but the party still kept going. Christodia wanted to be with her father and so we three went to the hospital with our wedding attire still on.

The sad thing was that the moment we got to the hospital her mom and siblings were already wailing outside the hospital.

I have never been good with emotions because I have seen countless number of people die and I have taken lives myself but seeing Christodia break down had me crying also.

I owe the man my happiness. It was through him I meet Christodia and I couldn’t thank him enough for that. I was also happy I made them reconcile before this tragedy occurred or this would have been a different scenario. I called my parents to come for Bright because the poor boy was also weeping. I think it was because his mother was crying so he was doing same.

I was useless in consoling Christodia because I just didn’t know exactly how I was supposed to console someone. Soon, after my parents came for Bright, Christodia collapsed and had to be rushed inside the hospital.

The white wedding was called off the next day and all the guests left after giving their condolences and advices to us. They were actually staying around because the white wedding was going to be the next day. But now that this had happened, they had to leave.

After seeing the guests off I went back to the hospital to be with my wife. I was given the news then that she was pregnant. I was happy but couldn’t find it in me to express that happiness. She was discharged with a strong warning to keep her emotions in check if she wanted to keep the babe safe within her.

We went home and I never left her side. I was glued to her because I was worried about her. But surprisingly, she tried very hard not to make me worry. She ate and slept and told me she was going to take care of her father who was now in her belly.
I guess God has a way of consoling us. Because if it weren’t for this miracle, I know she would have been crying for days. Another beautiful reason why I feel thankful to God.

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