CHAPTER fifteen

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*Hello lovely ones, here is an another update. Sorry for another long wait. I'm facing a lot but I will do my best. Have fun reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️*

Chapter fifteen: Kwame Agyapong

I screwed up once again. I wasn't planning on doing that but she has the ability to make me do the opposite of what I plan to do. When it comes to her I tend to be rash with my decisions.

I was actually planning on approaching her with some flowers and saying some overused playboy’s words with her but all of that were squashed when my men who were watching her every move, told me she was going out with someone.

T thank God I was already in Sandema because the picture my men sent me had my blood boiling. Some man had his hands on her petite waist ushering her into a car. My baby was dressed to kill. She looked sexy and happy. Why was she smiling like that towards that pretty boy? Something she never did with me. I was going to kill this motherfucker. I was fuming with anger.

The moment I entered the restaurant, I nearly flew across the room when I saw the guy’s face going in for a kiss with my baby girl. I ripped him away from my angel and started punching him.

Even though my first punch had him on the floor and I could have stopped, I didn’t. I continued hitting him taken out all my frustrations on him. When I felt him loose conscious, I went over to my girl and hugged her. Gosh, I have missed her. Her scent alone helped calmed me down. She is indeed my world. But then she pushed me away and ran. And I did too.

I caught and what she said broke my heart.

“Please leave me alone, please I beg you in the name of all holy things. Please leave me alone.” she pleaded.

Why was she crying? I have been a mess without her for years and now she was pleading with me to leave her alone. Hell will have to freeze before I let her go again.

Her constant tears and pleads to let her go had me crying. Can’t she tell what and how I feel about her? I have also been a crying mess since she left and now that I have her, she wants me to leave her alone? Never.

“Well tell me what do you want from me? What at all do you want? Tell me. Whatever it is just tell me and let’s be done with each other. Do I owe you something? I never took money from you. I wasn’t the one who borrowed money from your father. You guys knew my father won’t be able to pay but you still went ahead just to trap me, me who had nothing to do with it. I know you guys sexist beings who think that women are objects you can use to gain something but I’m not an object. I’m a human with feelings. You can’t use me to pay a debt. You can’t.”

That was when I finally understood her and why she run. She thought I wanted her to stay with me because of her father’s debt, but that was not the case. I thought I had done everything humanly possible to show her how I love her.

She should know by now that her father’s debt had nothing to do with this. She belongs to me. She was made for me. Even if her father hadn’t come to mine for money, I’m sure I would have still found her and made her mine. The debt was too insignificant for me to hold her ransom to it. I mean I made her father know that and I paid higher than that amount for her bride price. She means the world to me. I said the only thing that could help her understand me.

“I love you.” I said. “If you really want to know what I want, then what I really want is you and our son.”

I thought that will do the trick but she screamed and told me she doesn’t want me. Why want she want me? What haven’t I done for her to understand that I love her? I was getting fed up with all this so I said calmly trying my best not to sound angry.

“I wonder when you will understand the fact that you are mine and you are stuck with me. Get into the car!” and she just had to say no.

So, I used the last thing I had advantage of. If persuasion fails, I guess force must be applied. I’m going to be hated for this but I had to do it. It was the only way out.

“Get in if you want to see Bright again. As we speak, my men have him and they are on their way to our house. If you don’t get in and I drive away, you are never seeing him again.” I threatened.

I felt bad for using our son this way but it had to be done. I will make it up to her later. And it worked. Even though she told me with venom dripping from her voice that she hates me, I will make her change her mind even if I have to spend the rest of my life doing that. All the same, she is never going to get away from me again. She is mine and we belong together.

She got in and we drove away, back to Kumasi. I tired talking to her throughout the night as we drove back but she refused to listen. Bright was sleeping in a different car that was behind us. Along the way I had to stop our car for Bright to be brought to his mother, thinking it will at least soften Christodia’s heart but it didn’t. She still gave me the cold shoulder till we arrived in Kumasi the next day.

Thanks for reading and Please vote and share. Lots of love 😘😘😘😘😘

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