CHAPTER nineteen

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I hope you enjoy. Happy reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


It’s been two months since I brought Christodia back and everything has been working out fine between us. We are all happy and everything is good between us. My parents even came by when I informed them of her return  and they met Bright. They bonded nicely.

That little guy is a bundle of joy. It is near impossible not to like him. my father promised him to send him to any country of his choice for a vacation the moment he called him grandpa.

Ever since my parents met him, they have been sending gifts every week. His room right now is too crowded and I had to talk to them to stop. They agreed with the condition that he spends his vacations with them. Of course, we reluctantly agreed so as to bring an end to this madness.

With peace and love finally settling in our little family, I didn’t know how to approach the topic of Christodia’s father. I once asked her if she wanted to visit her father but she said no.
From what I know, they used to have the prefect father and daughter loving relationship but from the day I came into the picture everything changed. I have quit blaming myself for that and I have decided to solve that especially now.

I decided to approach this topic once again hoping that she will listen. She was at sipping wine in one of the summer huts around one afternoon when I approached her.

My dad bought me this hill when I came of age and I build a house here as a get away place. Once I brought Christodia here I knew it was going to be our home. It was just perfect. We were far from the noisy cities and here, no one can disturb us. I know she won’t run again but I still don’t want her to go anywhere. She can go out the house but cannot step one foot outside the fence. She is all mine.

I sat down beside her and took the wine glass from her and took a sip from where her lips were. I slowly licked my lips and looked at her intently.

‘Sweet.’ I said and she smiled.

“I need to talk to you about something.” I began. I took a deep breath and continued, “I had a call from one of my men at your dad’s place. Let me say this before you ask me about why my men are there. They were there for two reasons: one was to report to me if ever showed up at his place, that was when you left, and two was to make sure that that crazy girl who called her self Empress won’t target your family. But after I got you back and resolved the case with that lunatic, I guess I just let them be there.”

She didn’t say anything so I continued, “as I was saying, I got a call that he was sent to the hospital yesterday but hasn’t returned. According to my guys, he looked pretty bad when he left. I suggest you go and see him.”

She was calm before she spoke. “You know, I’m not really mad at my dad. Even though, what he did to me hurt me I don’t hate him. true, he made me feel like an object he could sell for money and that hurt. He was my hero and role model and I looked up to him very much but the betrayal hurt. Nevertheless, through what he did I got Bright and you and I’m happy and content.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Finally, my girl is happy and content by my side. I instantly felt that a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I knew she was but she has never admitted it.

She smiled when she saw the relief on my face. “Kwame, I don’t want to live in pain any more. I forgive you and I forgive him too. I don’t want to see him because I feel he doesn’t love me again and I really don’t want to bother or pester him. like he told me to do, I’m focusing on my family. You know what take Bright to see him. as for me, I don’t think I’m ready to see him.”

I agreed and decided to visit him. maybe with time, they will fix their relationship. But for now, I had to celebrate my girl’s confessions.

“I love you Christodia, and I will spend the rest of my life proving to you just how much I do. I promise you that I will do everything and anything to make you happy for the rest of our life. May God help me.” With that said I lifted her and headed inside the house. I was going to worship her body. I mean the body God made specifically for me. And that was what I did.

I spread those beautifully legs of hers and did justice to the sweet beauty between her legs. And then let her ride me for as long and as fast as she wanted. When we were both exhausted and she fell asleep. I gently slipped a diamond ring on her finger.
I know it was long overdue but, better late than never. This ring has been with me for years now and it was finally time.

I was scared she will run away at first and later, I became so possessive and obsessed with her that I didn’t want any other man to set eyes on her. Even though I did all that, she still run. Right now, that she is back and has finally confessed that she is happy with me, I want to wed her in front of the whole world for the entire world to know that she belongs to me. And she is happy to be with me. I am no more the monster she wanted to get away from. I’m now her prince charming and I thank God for that.

I haven’t prayed to God ever since I brought her back. I guess I had what I wanted and forgot about the big man so once again I got down on my knees by the bedside and started thanking God for everything.

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