CHAPTER twelve

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It’s been three years since I left Kwame Agyapong’s side. I made sure not to look for him or do anything that will expose my where about to him. I avoided every news that had to do with him. He could be dead for all I care.

I needed to move on and keeping taps on him will not help me. In fact, it wasn’t easy at first, there was this constant battle within me. I so wanted to go back to him because I have become used to having him by my side every night.

Most at times, at night, I will cry for him and in the morning, I will be angry with myself for crying over him. I had my child to think of. I took it one day at a time but gradually I was able to sleep without crying.

Maryrose told me about her auntie in Sandema and there is where I went to have my baby.

I had a baby boy who is the splitting image of his father. Maybe he became the replica of his father because I thought so much of him during my pregnancy, but I adore my boy. I would give my life for him. He is the light at the end of my tunnel.

I have also started working. I been working as a teacher in a private school here in Sandema and I can say I’m doing well with my son. I named him Bright Agyapong and he is the sweetest thing ever. I registered him in the same school I was teaching and I must say I have heard only good things from his teacher. He is brightest in his class which is not far-fetched because he got good genes from his father and of course from me.

One day, his teacher by the name Jenefails, approached me and asked if I would be okay with the boy being in the school’s first magazine.

Apparently, my boy was good looking and the best in his class so the teacher who by the way was also very good looking wanted him to be the representative of his class. I said yes to him, not thinking much about it because I doubted Kwame Agyapong was still looking for me.

My boy's teacher, Jenefails, has been good to me. He really didn’t look down on me for being a single parent like the others did. So, even though he was in the primary section of the school whiles I was in the junior high, we became good friends.

It was a big school where the primary side was a little far away from the Junior High side. I would have dated him if it wasn’t for the fact that I was still in love with Kwame Agyapong.

When the magazine came out, my boy was looking so good in it, I couldn’t stop looking at it. He just makes me feel proud by being himself. I was really happy till I saw that the magazine was printed by KAK company.

I truly wanted to run again because I thought he had seen him and might have connected the dots but I scolded myself because Kwame Agyapong had so many businesses all over the country and probable doesn’t run the whole show himself.  

Besides, he was not God to know every little thing that happened in each of his company. Plus, who knows, I might have been replaced long ago. He might have already forgotten about my existence.


Kwame Agyapong

Over these years I have had six of my printing press companies and eight of my ware houses full of textbooks burn to the ground. That was six months after Christodia left me. The incident woke me up from my slumber, and I decided to stop being a mess and focus on my businesses again.

It was a big loss but it didn’t affect me that much. My old man’s nagging also helped brought me back from the land of the dead. I didn’t want to hear that I was behaving like a girl from him again or acting like a teenager.

This is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to take over his company. He was going to pop up once there is a problem with his business even though he told me he wasn’t going to do that. I know that money lost from these places was huge but I could easily pay it back three times more and it won’t even affect me in the slightest.

I knew he knew that, so I didn’t understand why he was making a fuss out of it. Nevertheless, I understood it was his way of trying to bring me back on track and to move on. Which I have been trying to do but, it hasn’t been easy.

After the wakeup call from the incidens , I had the insurance company take care of it and through their investigation, they found out it not an incident. Somebody actually set the companies on fire. The police took over but I had my own people do a side investigation and the findings wasn’t all that shocking.

Empress was behind it. I knew she won’t just let things be but I thought she had wised up. This lady was courting death.

After Christodia left, I found that she was indeed the one who helped her escape through the CCTV cameras at the children’s park. When I found out, I let my men follow her to find out where she was keeping my girl but they came up empty. I was pissed but I decided to play it well.

She actually approached me after a while and started flirting with me. She was everywhere I went like she knew I will be there. That was when I realized that she was keeping taps on me. I had to find the mole in my circle who was giving her information about my where about and I did.
I knew what she wanted from the beginning and I should have taking care of her when she didn’t understand the word ‘no’. All these wouldn’t have happened if I did.

Long story short, I found the mole and that was all I needed. It was my best friend. Actually, it was her sister behind it but all the same I took care of him and his sister by making their whole family bankrupt.

I then had my men kidnap Empress and she confessed after some ‘light’ torture that almost disfigured her. She actually told me the truth in the beginning but I needed to vent out some of my frustration and I let my men do the 'light' torture but she lived. She indeed helped her escape but she didn’t know where Christodia was.

I injected a ‘small gift’ into her system and spread the news on all social media handles that the almighty Empress had HIV. That was my punishment for her because I swore some time ago to stop killing because of a certain someone.

It was actually enough for someone in her line of work. People started speculating that if she had it then all the girls that worked for her had it. The country was in uproar because of the number of men that had slept with her and her group of minions. People were panicking.

I thought that would take care of her but she actually dared to set my companies on fire. I had to kill her which I did. But then, I knew I had sinned again. I promised God that I would never kill someone again and in exchange he should bring my girl back to me. I have been keeping my promise till she happened.

I had to beg God for forgiveness so that he doesn’t forget to bring Christodia to me. I felt I had to do something to be forgiven so I decided to print school magazines for free, for a month.

As a businessman this really helped, schools were interested and I realized it was a nice marketing strategy. So, I decided that every school that came to me to print their magazine had their first magazine printed for free. As many schools were printing their magazine, it encouraged other schools to print theirs too.

As the years flew by, schools of all levels were printing magazines for their schools and I encouraged them to print it every year for their school badges every year. So many schools did it and I was able to recover my losses quickly. My dad was once again happy with me and finally left me alone.

I haven’t giving up searching for Christodia, no I haven’t. I still got some men round her dad’s place, the school she used to teach and also her friend’s place. I am sure she would definitely visit one of these places one day and I don’t care how long it takes, I will wait for her.

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