Although y/n didn't see it they heard it over the radio the sounds of soliders and alarms before everything went quiet and the radio became quite.

Y/n didn't celebrate they didn't smirk in joy or contentment they stared forward their eyes set on the waves before them.

Meanwhile in a safehouse in Rome.


The sounds of a landline phone could be heard all throughout the house. The sounds were mixed with the already playing opera music. The sounds seemed to float in the smoky air, the smoke caused from a group of Italian men sitting in one room each having a cigar in their mouth all except the one who sat at the end of the table.

The person who sat at the end was a man with long blond hair. His turquoise eyes scanned the area noting the missing persons through the empty chairs. The missing people were the infamous duo of Narancia and Fugo.

Along with the obvious admirer of the man Patsy. So the man sent someone by the name Bucciarati to find them. Trish and Mista were absent aswell spending time with their child that they name Angelo.

The boy had his mother's hair and face and his father's eyes and skin tone. The boy was only 3 it was only 3 years ago that they had to save Mista from being prosecuted in Japan.

The man finally shouted out annoyed by both the phone and the absence of his close friends. "Will someone please answer the damn phone, and where the hell is Fugo and Narancia!" Yelled out Giorno.

A man near the phone quickly grabbed it and asked "who is it?" The response was inaudible. But the man stood up and handed Giorno the phone.

"Hello" Giorno said into the phone.

"Giorno it's Bucciarati I have bad news the news was displaying the truth the kid torched the headquarters of the counterfeit bills. Also Giorno make sure you're alone for what I have to say." Bucciarati stated

"Everyone get the hell out we will continue this meeting on a different day."

Quickly clearing out the room and house were emptied within minutes.

"There I'm alone now speak." Giorno commanded

"Fugo and Narancia are dead." Bucciarati said bluntly

Giorno almost dropped the phone.

"What?!" Giorno screamed into the phone.

"It looks like the kids changed because Patsy's body is also here. It looks like they disposed of them and all other guys we sent out."Bucciarati informed

"Is that all?" Giorno asked

"It is all I had to report." Bucciarati said.

When the phone hung up both sides had tears streaming down their face it didn't stop. Bucciarati was brought to his knees. People who he thought of as his own children were gone all because of him.

Abbacchio appeared holding the weeping shoulders of his comrade. Although Bucciarati couldn't see him as it was only the spirit he felt some sort of comfort.

But Giorno was a different story he threw all the things that were on his desk off. Including bottles of whine worth several thousands of dollars. Along with other expensive gifts brought by the men at the meeting.

Steeling his nerves Giorno called a number he was going to get rid of this child himself now.

Time skip 6 hours

Finally arriving within a mile of the harbor Y/n Saw a seemingly dead city It was the void of light and all life it should have been active around now. Yet the only source of light came from the moon.

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