A promise of a lifetime

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Disclaimer: I own nothing accept the story characters and pictures belong to their owners.

1st pov

I just woke up and did my morning routine I was happy and fully recovered from sleep deprivation. I was thankful Inko allowed me to stay I was going to see my self out after thanking both Izuku and Inko.

They woke up 2 hours later they seemed to be in sync rubbing their eyes and yawning. It reminded me of my father and how much he and I used to be, I miss him.

"Good morning (Y/N)." Izuku and Inko said

"Morning." I said

The conversation turned to us talking about how one another slept how Izuku had a dream of fighting crime with All Might with a cool quirk.

Which caused me to ask a question about a unknown sensitive topic"So Izuku what is your quirk if you don't mind me asking?"

Izuku went from bright and smiling to gloomy and sad. "Please don't make fun of me, but I don't have a quirk I am quirkless." Izuku said while sounding so little.

"Sorry Izuku I didn't know it was a sensitive topic apologies for hurting your feelings." I said in a attempted to repair the damage caused.

"It's fine."said Izuku

"I'll see myself out and thank you for allowing me to stay please have a nice day and take care ." I said while walking towards the door.

Inko stopped me though by putting a gentle hand on my shoulder before saying " y/n I have a proposition as you now know Izuku is quirkless and as a mother I'm scared he will be bullied for it or at risk of injury from others with quirks."

"What are you trying to say mom?" Izuku asked

" I'm trying to say is Izuku you need protection and from the incident yesterday it showed me how powerless I am and how unreliable heroes can be." Inko answered.

"You want me to be that protection?" I asked

"Only if you want to y/n I won't force you but know that if you do chose to I can only pay you in a place to stay and food to eat." Inko said

3rd pov

Y/n thought about it this would provide a solution to a major problem in their life while they also play body guard to a boy they barely knew.

Yet even when knowing him for such short time you felt a pull a desire to protect him.

You didn't know it but with the words that came next it would change your life for the better.

"I accept your proposition Inko" y/n said while sticking out their hand to confirm the deal.

Inko shook it thankful for you actually taking the deal.

You turned to Izuku and said " I promise you that I will make sure you are as safe as possible from now on."

Izuku smiled not because of what you said but at the fact he now has a friend something he hasn't had in a long time.

Time skip to middle school ( sorry for the larger time skip it's just that it would be boring to write about the whole childhood.)

It was your and Izuku's first day at middle school you had kept your promise and have kept Izuku safe. But while doing so the two of you had grown close enough to the point that you see one another as siblings and have that sibling bond.

Before we get into that how about a stroll down memory lane real quick to the first time you protected Izuku

It was 1 month after you agreed to Inko's deal and you were playing with Izuku at a nearby park while Inko was at work.

You were approached by an infamous blonde boy. Katsuki Bakugo and with him were two no name goons of his.

"Look here guys the quirkless and the orphan are playing with each other at least they can be miserable together." said Bakugo with a snarky smirk.

The topic of being a orphan was still a soft spot and stung deeply you were hurt emotionally but you still had to remain strong as you needed to protect Izuku Incase Bakugo became violent

You were about to speak out and tell off Bakugo yet Izuku beat you to the punch

" Leave em alone Bakugo they haven't done anything to so stop being mean and leave us alone." Izuku spoke firmly but from him it was barley anything.

"Ohh look here the Deku wants to act tough and try to useful but how can a nobody ever be useful." Bakugo said mockingly.

As Izuku still stood in front of y/n he didn't realize what the blonde was planning

Out of no where Bakugo attempted to shove a explosion in his hand into Izuku's face.

Lucky a hand stopped it

"That's enough from you, you over grow Pomeranian."said y/n while holding the wrist of the would be attacker.

"You've been given enough warning and have been asked to leave, I believe this is necessary." Y/n claimed before freezing the entire arm not enough to harm him but enough to freeze all the sweat in his hand.

" You damn nerd!" Shouted Bakugo as he tried to attack with the opposite hand.

That was put to a stop when Izuku shoved Bakugo causing the blonde to fall.

Irritated and pride hurt Bakugo got up dusted him self off and left with his goons in tow while maintaining eye contact with Izuku.

This along with other things like a old shopkeeper who didn't want to sell Izuku a all might ice cream because he heard he was quirkless. Izuku looked like the world was ending, but out of nowhere the shopkeeper gave him a whole box of the ice cream free and not because y/n went and almost completely froze the inside of the store solid.

Another incident was when a kidnapper try to abducted Izuku y/n showed no mercy freezing the man solid then stabbing the man with a icicle in the legs leaving him for police to find.

Would all happen during the children's lives then came the day of middle school. You unfortunately weren't in Izuku's classes only in p.e.

Izuku had asked you to let him try and deal with bullies to prove to himself that he is strong enough to defend himself. You agreed but asked that if things got bad Izuku would get your help.

You and Izuku had finally passed through the gates and walked towards your classes after a quick good bye. This was a step in the future of your life.

Well I know seems rushed my bad hope you enjoy feel give me your input.

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