Italy welcome's you

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Y/n was slowly regaining consciousness they were currently on the deck the sun was barely rising as light shines through the clouds hitting y/n's eyes.

Y/n's sat up relieved that their stand was back My December showed its self appearing as it's usual tall self. Hearing the sounds of footsteps y/n turned their head to see Josuke and Yasuho walking hand in hand each smiling happily at one another in joy.

Josuke was the first to speak "Hey stranger I never got your name but I'm glad your better."

Y/n smiles and replied"Sorry my name is Y/n L/n and yes I'm doing much better thank you for assisting me the both of you."

"Yasuho exactly how far are we from Italy Norisuke said to meet him by the port when we get there and phone him?"

Italy that meant Giorno was in reach Y/n practically felt numb from the overload of sense as the thoughts rushed in at how now y/n could confidently say they were ready for Giorno.

Yasuho replied "Well according to Paisley Park were about half a day's away we should be there around 8pm the earliest."

Y/n thought in detail how they could go about their attack on Giorno they thought about using a army of clones to tire him out then go for the finishing blow.

The idea was put to the side when y/n thought of how Giorno's mafia could have a large mass of stand users which if combine can easily destroy a clone so mass numbers was out.

While in deep thought y/n was snapped back to reality when Yasuho held a bento infront of their face. Though the need for eating was gone as MD was capable of removing human needs from y/n they still accepted it thankfully.

While eating y/n stared as Yasuho and Josuke sat down forming a triangle with Josuke and Yasuho sitting close to each other.

The boat was the only sound made as it drove itself thanks to Paisley Park while the three people ate. Yasuho asked a question "Hey y/n what was that about you being on a U.S navial boat."

Y/n placed down their bento before answering while also trying to weigh the pros and cons of being honest. Y/n decided if these strangers were willing to risk so much for them then the rescuers might as well know who they saved.

"I was wanted for mass murder, in America I slaughtered countless people all of which stood in my way in quest for power." Y/n said this already expecting the outcome.

Quickly summoning My December to which who used it's hand to block the barrage of a White and blue stand that belonged to Josuke. "You bastard,. Yasuho stay close to me no telling what this fucker is capable of." Josuke stated

Merely placing the lid on the bento y/n realize breakfast was over with. Standing up y/n could tell underestimating Josuke would be a horrible mistake as doing so could easily spell their end.

"Listen I'm not going to hurt you guys I'm heading the same way you guys are. So let's not fight." Y/n announced

"Bullshit you could be saying that but looking at your eyes your a cold blooded murder." Josuke rebuttaled

"If I truly wanted to harm anyone what do you think drew you to me." Y/n said

"Both of you knock it off I think we got bigger fish to fry." Yasuho interjected.

Looking in the direction she was y/n saw it, animals that appeared to be albino. A dolphin, a saltwater crocodile, a saltwater catfish, a orca and a giant blue whale and many more that accompanied.

Spotting the creatures y/n wanted to freeze the water but decide not to as that would just destroy the boat resulting in Yasuho and Josuke being sitting ducks.

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