Chapter 31

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Sam doesn't need to be told twice.

After throwing his arms around Dylan in a tight, fleeting hug, he races down the stairs of the pack house. He stumbles once or twice over his own feet, his smile so huge that it elicits joy in everyone he passes.

He tugs off his shirt and nearly trips again as he pulls his shorts off his legs. He stuffs his clothes in his mouth, phasing quickly as he tears through the wood that divides Bluewood and Ironhill. He bounds past the patrol, skidding to a stop to bow respectfully before skidding off towards the pack house.

The patrolmen grin, shaking their heads. They have come to be very familiar with the packs Beta's over the last few weeks, but had taken a particular shining to Sam. He is polite and humble in a way that most high ranking wolves are incapable of.

In fact many of the wolves in Ironhill had become unwittingly fond of the Bluewood Beta, although none would outright say so.

Sam comes to a stop outside the pack house. He shifts quickly, tugging on his clothing as he jogs up the stairs and enters the building.

The Ironhill pack house is a prominent, foreboding building that feels cold most of the time, but even now as Sam makes his way through the halls, you can see the influence of Bluewood beginning to shine through.

The dark, heavy drapes had been torn down, allowing light to stream in through the large windows. The heavy, gothic portraits had disappeared from the walls, replaced with modern photographs of the pack.

Sam smiles as he runs up the stairs, his heart racing with every step he takes.

When he reaches Kieran's door however, he finds himself feeling shy. He feels the deep, warm blush spread over his cheeks as his palms sweat by his sides. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself.

When he walks in, any semblance of bravery leaves him. His eyes lock with his mates, watching as a bright smile crawls onto Kieran's face. He looks painfully handsome, Sam thinks, when he smiles.

He pauses, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. There are so many thoughts flying around in his head and his brow creases lightly as he tries to figure out what to say. He has to get his priorities straight, he knows that, but there's only one thing he really needs to say.

"I love you."

He signs it slowly and carefully, this being the only thing he's certain of.

He watches as Kieran's face softens, his eyes warm and rich as they meet Sam's.

Kieran stands from his desk, walking over towards his mate. He hadn't expected this, he had been trying to work his way up to saying it for weeks now, and his mate had beaten him to it. He doesn't have it in him to be mad about it though.

This was the first set of signs that Kieran had bothered to learn and he smiles shyly as he signs it back.

Sam's breath catches in his chest, his eyes shining. He's seen it before, of course he has, he and Dylan sign it almost every day, in a careless, brotherly way, but never has it felt like this.

Kieran's hand curls around Sam's chin, angling it upward as their lips meet in a kiss that is so sweet and soft that it has Sam's toes curling.

He breaks away suddenly, not willing to be side tracked.

"I want you." He signs quickly.

Kieran's eyebrows raise, his lips curling mischievously.

Sam rolls his eyes.

"Not like that." He continues.

Kieran nods slowly, his body coming closer as he nudges Sam against the wall, moulding himself against his mate. Sam groans softly at the pressure against his groin.

"I want you." Kieran mouths.

And Sam knows it too, his mind foggy as Kieran's hardness presses against his thigh, throbbing with need.

He exhales shakily, his eyes closing briefly as Kieran presses feather light kisses against his neck. His lips suck against the skin there, nipping at the place that his mark lay. Soon.

He shakes his head softly, only just managing to keep a grip on his self control and Kieran moves away with a pout.

Sams hands raise, hesitant now. He knows what he wants, but he doesn't know how to ask for it. He's always known that leaving Dylan was out of the question, he simply can't live with it. But he can't live without Kieran either.

He takes a breath and signs.

"Move in with me?"

Kieran's eyes watch the actions keenly.

"To Bluewood?" He asks, watching his mate nod tentatively.

He shakes his head minutely, smiling to himself.

Sam doesn't seem to know that Kieran is helpless to refuse him anything, and he hopes to god that lasts, because if he cottons on, Kieran will be doomed. The man has him wrapped completely and utterly around his little finger, helpless to bend to his will. Kieran doesn't mind.

"Okay." He murmurs, nodding his head.

He leans in for another kiss when Sam stops him.

"Say again." He signs, his expression wide eyed and demanding.

Kieran laughs, nodding.

"Yes, I'll move in with you." He says, attempting to sign it too.

Sam watches him, frozen.

"Orion and I have spoken about it. He's happy for me to relocate to Bluewood and commute back and forth." He says simply.

This seems to be Sam's breaking point, his mind completely shutting down as he stares vacantly at the love of his life. He hadn't expected a yes. He hadn't expected...

Sam bursts into tears.

Kieran watches, a little mortified as his soulmate falls apart in front of him. He wraps Sam in an embrace, panic tugging in his chest.

"Oh god, what the hell, did you not...? Isn't this what you wanted?" He asks, frantic as Sam sobs against his chest.

He rubs his hand against his mates back, biting his lip, but Sam's sobs soon morph into near hysterical laughter, his breaths hiccuping every now and then.

"I thought you'd say no!" Sam signs, smacking Kieran's chest.

Kieran observes his mate with a hint of concern, his expression baffled.

"Why would I say no?" He asks.

Sam only shakes his head, his head cupped in his hands as he relishes the exquisite relief in his chest.

Kieran pulls his mates hands from his face, smiling at the shining eyes looking up at him.

"I love you." He says.

Sam smiles, as though he'd forgotten this little fact. The sight is angelic. So angelic, that when Sam tackles Kieran onto his bed, he's pinned completely. But he doesn't mind. There are worse places to be, than trapped beneath the radiant smile and warm body of your soulmate.

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