Chapter 19

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When Orion had initially invited Dylan on a tour of Ironhill, Dylan's immediate reaction had been to decline. It seemed to him a poor attempt to patch up a conversation that haunts him still, and despite the fact that there has been no fresh animosity, the tensions between the packs are still palpable. Dylan's not keen to add to it by parading himself around Ironhill.

But his curiosity is a difficult thing to contend with. Ever since he was a child he's been desperate to know what lies beyond that line. That invisible boundary that has always been forbidden to him. He wants to know what secrets live there, how it differs from everything he knows, and to see where Orion comes from. He's seen pictures in text books and albums, taken at official ceremonies, but it's not the same.

And Orion has had no trouble making himself at home in Bluewood.

Dylan's lips press together firmly as he remembers just how thorough the Ironwood Alpha had been in his mission to dig up Dylan's best kept secret. He had spoken to near enough every single person in the pack, making idle chit chat, giving up hours of his precious time. Why? He doesn't know.

So, when the subject is brought up again, Dylan says yes.

As Orion leads Dylan through his territory, a strange slew of emotions flips in his stomach like a tumble dryer. He's proud, to be showing his mate his land. Bluewood is undoubtedly beautiful, but Ironhill is strong. The landscape is rough and hardened, having weathered more than just violent storms but also the wickedness of its past leaders.

He's also afraid. Deathly afraid.

Protecting Dylan from his territory and the people that live within it had become innate over the years, and as a result, his heart is pumping adrenaline through him with such ferocity that he feels like a twitchy addict. His muscles are tense and tight, ready to react at a moments notice, whilst his eyes scan their immediate landscape with eagle-like attention.

Dylan's eyes are bright and alive, taking in their surroundings with a lazy, appreciative stare as they absorb every detail. He hadn't really known what to expect, but it hadn't been this.

Whilst the ground is hard and gritty, as he had known it would be, and the landscape less varied, it is nonetheless beautiful. Rich and earthy, different shades of brown seem to cloak the mineral dense land of Ironhill, bringing an unexpected warmth. And whilst the land is bare of the deciduous trees that Dylan knows, there are fragrant pines brushing against the edges of the town. Hundreds of them.

Dylan wonders if this is Orion's doing, his lips pulling up into a smile as he reminisces that strange little boy with an obsession with trees. Strong, towering and steadfast, everything a good father should be. Dylan isn't surprised that Orion had fixated upon them early on.

"This is the town hall, and there, the pack house, as you know. The streets form concentric circles around the centre of town, getting wider the further out you go." Orion says, adding to his strange, tour-guide dialogue.

He isn't sure that Dylan's listening, or really cares, but the silence has been freaking him out. He never knows where he stands with his mate anymore and it's getting harder and harder to understand him.

Dylan takes in the gothic nature of the buildings, all of them looking scary and dark, so victorian in their construction. He appreciates the nod to their history and how well they've been cared for. Restoration has taken place, but it's been respectful to the upkeep of the building's history. It seems Ironhill are fiercely protective of their history.

Orion leads Dylan to the training grounds, the Ironhill Alpha's eyes fixated on the challenge ring. He hasn't stepped within a metres radius of it since he killed his father and he hates that it still holds a power over him.

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