Chapter 21

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The vegetable garden that Dylan had organised was a hit with the over 50's crowd, drawing in practically every Bluewood OAP in a ten mile radius. He was a little disheartened by the lack of Ironhill enthusiasm though. Only four people from their pack had shown up to help tend the soil.

Not particularly surprising, especially not after the attempted attack on him in Ironhill. But he doesn't let it phase him. He can't. The vegetable garden was just a small side project, something easy and low maintenance. He's focused on the mural.

The mural is to be painted on a low lying wall that runs along the boundary line of both packs. It's a shared wall, and he wants something commemorative to be painted there, to signify their peace treaty, and he wants everyone to get involved.

"You do realise that means you too, Dylan." Sam signs.

Dylan scoffs.

"No, I don't need to be there." He says.

"He's right. No one's going to participate if their Alpha's don't." Kieran says from his place in the lounge. He's sprawled across one of the sofas, looking plenty comfortable and very at home.

Dylan's eyes narrow as he glares at him. Since the altercation, the Ironhill Beta has been getting a little too comfortable around here. Dylan had decided to let things run their course between the Betas, but Kieran is starting to grind on his nerves. He's outspoken and brazen with his opinions. Opinions that Dylan doesn't need or want.

"I don't have an artistic bone in my body. I don't think my presence there is necessary." He mutters, halfheartedly signing as he does.

"Don't whinge when no one shows up to do it then." Kieran says, not even bothering to look up as he continues texting.

Dylan glares at the side of his head again.

"I do not-..."

Sam interrupts his Alpha, his hands moving quickly and drawing Dylan's attention away from his stupid, cocky mate. He makes a mental note to send Kieran home for a little while. The thought makes his heart ache, but he's been taking some liberties. Some of the excuses as to why he has to stick around are frankly absurd and Dylan's not an idiot.

"We've already got the outline sorted. We'll sketch it out, all you need to do is show up and slap on some paint." Sam signs, an optimistic look on his face.

Dylan sighs, but nods.

"Fine." He murmurs.

"With Orion." Sam adds quickly.

Dylan's shoulders crumple, his expression melting into a thunderous frown. It's not that he doesn't want to see Orion. Quite the opposite. It's the hurt that comes with it that Dylan can't stand. He isn't sure how much more he can take.

The Beta's arrange a date and time before Sam swiftly kicks his mate out of his territory. Kieran goes home sulky and sad that night. Sam, on the other hand, isn't too worried. His mate will live. What he's more worried about is Orion and Dylan somehow putting on an amiable show for the packs.

The longer this false friendship goes on, the more they bicker and argue, a dark, bitter cloud forming whenever they're close. It's getting harder and harder to ignore.

He only hopes to god they can get their act together, otherwise they're all screwed.

But when Dylan rises bright and early on the morning of the mural painting, Sam knows for a fact that they are, indeed, screwed.

His Alpha is wearing a tight blue button down shirt and a deep, angry scowl. His eyes are dark and weary, a result of yet another poor nights sleep. He watches silently as Dylan makes himself a triple espresso, downing it like a shot.

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