Chapter 11

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The Bluewood and Ironhill Betas begrudgingly acquiesce that the best thing for both the packs is to hold a shared meeting.

It will be the first time in hundreds of years that the Bluewood and Ironhill packs will simultaneously be meeting, and everyone is understandably a little nervous about the prospect of it. Plans for where to hold the meeting- Bluewood, as it has the largest venue, and security measures- Ironhill demanded their own warriors be used, as well as Bluewood soldiers, keep Dylan and Orion separated and busy. They all decide that the only way the packs will really take to this idea of peace is if the Alphas lead by example.

But that's not exactly going well.

In their joint planning sessions, Dylan is cold and aloof and can hardly look at Orion, keeping a permanent space of at least two metres between them at all times. It's starting to get on Orion's nerves, and people are noticing.

The Betas had tried to talk Dylan round. Sam had pleaded, begged his best friend to fight through the pain, to make some sort of effort. Kieran had chosen a different approach, berating Dylan as much as he dared as he essentially told the Bluewood Alpha to get a grip.

Surprisingly, Dylan had borne this very well, nodding sagely, promising to make more of an effort.

But it didn't matter in the end. He wasn't playing dice, and it's now too late.

The evening of the meeting is upon them, and Orion shifts uneasily from foot to foot backstage.

They are using the concert hall that is situated on the outskirts of Bluewood territory. They rent it out occasionally to increase pack revenue and it holds five thousand people. He can feel the vibration of the masses of people waiting in the audience in his chest, the buzz of their voices filling every inch of space around him until he feels like he can't breathe.

The importance of this meeting has been shoved down his throat by every adviser and elder Orion has spoken to for the last two weeks, and it isn't lost on him.

The peace treaty is only as good as the people who agree to uphold it. It is imperative for the packs to understand that a new era of reconcile is upon them. There will be no tolerance for old prejudice.

And he has to lead by example.

Their Beta's have been doing a wonderful job of this, and Orion watches them with faint irritation as Sam signs something to Kieran, a grin on his face.

It looks like something along the lines of 'good luck'.

He sighs, looking away. He fears that Dylan is right about them. He shakes his head minutely, smiling to himself despite everything. That kid had always been perceptive as hell, and it's nice to know that some things never change.

He looks around, his irritation spiking once more. Speaking of the elusive Alpha, where the fuck is he? The meeting is meant to start any moment. He bites his lip, his nerves playing havoc with his heart.

He glances back at their Betas, watching Kieran tug Sam close, his eyes closing as he rests his head against the side of Sam's face. Sam's posture is hesitant, his arms faltering before gently wrapping one of them around Kieran's torso.

Orion looks away again, a painful longing settling in his stomach. He had thought about it, and even if they are mates, he's not going to stand in their way. He doesn't think he could. He's happy for Kieran, but God, how he envies him too.


Orion turns suddenly, startled by the voice close at hand.

Dylan's blue eyes are vibrant, even in the dim light of the stage wings and Orion feels his nerves settle at once.

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