Chapter 14

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Orion glances at the photograph on his desk, his fingers catching in his long, tight curls absently.

The photograph is of a young man, freshly turned nineteen, and one that he hardly recognises now. He's huge and carries himself confidently, but his face is young and uncertain, betraying him. Beside him is a man day and night different to himself.

He's lean where Orion is broad, his hair an ashy blond whereas Orion's is dark as night, and an easy-going grin is plastered on his face, revealing an all too familiar dimple in his cheek.

He swears he can still sometimes feel the arm that rests across his nineteen year old selfs shoulders, that comforting weight holding him steady, keeping him grounded.

Where most people would have photographs of their family members or their mates, Orion has only this one, but it doesn't bother him. Ben West had been more of a father to him in just a few short years than Reece had his entire life, and with no earthly pictures of his mate, this will have to do.

A quiet, wistful pang echoes through his chest as he gazes upon that familiar face.

He hasn't seen Ben in years.

When Orion turned eighteen, killed his father and took over as Alpha, he had been treading water and sinking fast. He didn't have a clue where to begin, desperately seeking the answers of how to be a man, a leader, himself, all at once. Ben had been there when he needed him most.

He hadn't patronised or gloated, or even taken advantage, as it would have been so easy to do. Instead he had offered his services, provided advice, guidance and wisdom and Orion had accepted wholeheartedly.

Dylan's dad was an extension of Dylan, it felt good to be close to him, but it quickly became more than that. Ben provided Orion with the approval and assurance that he had never received a day in his life from Reece, and for the first time in Orion's life he felt capable. He felt worthy.

Orion's lips tug upwards, his fingers prying open his laptop.

He misses Ben.

His dry humour and sharp wit were lightning quick, forever keeping Orion on his toes. He can't quite work out why he's left it so long to get back in touch.

Perhaps it was because, after a while, Orion had settled into the role that had always been destined to be his. Because he had stopped reaching out, finally comfortable with his own voice and the conviction that backed every decision he made. Or perhaps it had been because Dylan's eighteenth birthday had drawn ever closer. He would be needing his father then.

Regardless, that was now in the past. The packs are at peace now! Orion grins to himself, knowing how thrilled Ben will be at this.

His fingers type out a quick email. It's nothing long or particularly exciting. Simply a reach out, an attempt to rekindle a relationship that meant so much to him. He presses send with a satisfied smile, and goes to stand up when an automatic response stops him. He glances back at his screen, his brows drawing together faintly.

Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.


Orion gazes at the screen, puzzled as he bites his lip.

He probably has a new email address since Dylan took over. Nothing to worry about. He settles himself with the knowledge that next time he's in Bluewood, he can speak to Ben face to face instead. Because that is their reality now. It is what he and Dylan have worked towards all these years, what they have finally achieved thanks to the treaty.

Orion smiles at the prospect of embracing Ben, the man he has come to see as his own father in nearly every way. He wonders idly whether Dylan has told him about them...probably. Would he agree with Orion's decision to keep them apart?

He hopes so. But he isn't sure.

Ben West loves his family more than anything, would do anything for them. He has seen evidence of this time and time again. Suddenly, he doesn't feel so sure.

He decides that he needs to see him. To explain. The thought of Ben resenting him, or hating him is almost too much to bare. But if he can see him, explain to him why, then maybe he would understand.

Maybe he could guide him, advise him as he did all those years ago? Ben's advice hasn't failed him yet, and he is certain that he won't fail him now. He grabs his jacket from his chair and exits his office, bumping into Kieran on his way down the stairs.

"Hey, where are you off to?" Orion asks, glancing at Kieran's boot-clad feet.

"I have a meeting with Sam in twenty minutes, I'm going over to Bluewood now." He says.

Orion smiles brightly.

"Mind if I tag along?" He asks.

Kieran eyes his Alpha warily. For a moment, his chest is tight, certain that Orion is on to them. He knows, he must, why else does he have that excited gleam in his eye?

But another possibility catches his attention, and he wonders if perhaps Orion has changed his mind about Dylan. In any case, it can't do any harm, surely?

"Why?" Kieran asks tentatively.

"I want to speak to Dylan's dad. I haven't seen him in a while, Ellie too." Orion says.

This throws Kieran further still, but he decides against prodding any more. He wants to see his mate, and his feet are itching to reduce the distance stood between them.

"Alright, let's go." Kieran mutters.

Kieran drives them over in a jeep, casting occasional glances to his pensive Alpha in the passenger seat.

The drive is very picturesque, and Orion watches out the window, marvelling not for the first time at the frankly outstanding natural beauty of Bluewood territory.

The dark green of the leaves overhead make the forest seem like a jungle and for a moment, Orion is cast back to a memory that had been all but lost to him, so many years ago.

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