My smile falters as I see him looking at me in the mirror, really seeing into my soul with his eyes before I kick myself into action and nod, biting back the negative emotions to remember the positive ones. It didn't matter because we're not two years ago and I'm not going to make the same mistakes again.

"Yeah... I am. Just be careful and let's go because I don't think I could handle the Tifosi hating me - especially not since you're officially with them for another two years now!" I tell him back stepping away from the mirror as I pick up my handbag, checking it has all my stuff as Charles does the same with his rucksack and Ruby's bag. "Oh - have you got her blanket?" I ask him and he double checks the bag before nodding and smiling at me, taking my bag from my hand as he opens the door for me.

"I am always careful," Charles declares as he walks out the door and I frown at him when the closes it behind him. "What did I do wrong?"

"Y-you did pick up a room key, right?" I ask him cautiously and watch his eyes widen as he looks at his hands in panic, realising he didn't take it out of the card reader because he'd been busy running after me and Ruby. I wait until he swears under his breath and rummages around his pockets before I hand the keycard to Ruby with a grin. "Hey car boy," I call out as I walk down the hallway away from him Ruby still on my hip, looking over my shoulder with a giggle when I see him looking up at me confused. "Your daughter picked it up - hurry or we're going to be late! Wouldn't want the Tifosi to hate you for being late now do we?" I ask with a laugh, my feet unable to move any faster down the hallway than a leisurely stroll since I'm in heels. I hear him growl from outside the door and pick the three bags back up as he runs to catch-up.

"You are a pain in my ass," Charles mutters as he joins me in the lift and I smile sweetly at him.

"And what a nice ass it is," I quip back to him, watching the frown melt from his face as he chuckles and shakes his head at me, the familiar look emerging once more as the pain in my chest builds until I have to look away. "Is there anything big this morning other than the announcement?" I ask him, aware that we're up and out of the hotel well before most drivers are awake due to the announcement of Charles re-signing this morning.

"No that's it... but it's a pretty big announcement and a lot of press to go with it. Obviously I filmed a little on Thursday but there will be more to do today," he admits as I pause and wait with him on the steps of the hotel, turning away from the screaming fans at the gates as we wait for the car.

"You need us to just stay out the way?" I ask him, smiling when the car appears and Charles shakes his head while he puts the bags in the back of it before taking Ruby out of my arms and putting her in the car seat for me. "Heh... strapping her in like you're going to be strapped in later?" I ask him and he chuckles, shoving me lightly as he presses a kiss to her head. "Oh wait... where am I sitting?" I ask him, finally noticing that he put our stuff on the other seat in the back.

"Up front with me and don't you dare stay out of the way. Don't you dare," he mutters as he puts his hand on my lower back and opens the passenger seat door for me as I slide inside before he closes the door and jogs around to the drivers side. "Er... also, that's not why we're going to the track so early," he tells me, both of us pulling our Ray Bans down on our faces as he puts the car in gear.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... you promised me a hot lap," he smirks as we are basically at a standstill in front of the gates while they cautiously open and he moves forward at a snails pace while I gasp. "So... we're doing it as soon as we get to the track before the F2 starts. What do you say? I tried for Thursday but I was too late to ask and while being Ferrari happens to be a perk - this was the best I could manage."

Burning Heart // CL16Where stories live. Discover now