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Lol...smut warning...I forgot about this chapter haha!
Enjoy :)
I don't stop the kiss though, I can't - still needy for his touch as I choose to believe his words, mostly. "Charles," I try to whisper against his lips but I'm not sure he heard me through his own need. "Charles," I try louder this time, gripping at his face to pull it away from mine lightly as he gives up his grip and lets his head dip, resting in the crook of my neck as my arms wrap around his shoulders in the form of a comforting hug, so different from the position that we were in just moments ago.

"I-I'm sorry, this isn't what you deserve," he tells me, voice thick with shame and I just shake my head with my eyes wide as I tried to look down at him although his head was bowed in shame.

"I-it's okay, I'm where I want to be," I tell him in quiet confirmation as he takes a deep, slightly shaky sharp intake at my words, pausing for a moment before pulling away, his arms still wrapped around my waist as he places a slower, sweeter kiss on my lips. It was still needy but the lust was gone and somehow that made it even more addictive, the basis for the need being one of seeking comfort. For affection and reassurance, everything I was willing to give him and more as he walked backwards and pulled me with him to the sofa before sitting so that I was pulled into his side, legs hanging over the top of his as my dress melted into his race suit - not that he noticed.

His eyes were firmly on my face as he caressed it with one hand and brought my lips back towards his, sighing at the release and it was a reaction I understood entirely because fuck. After saying no for so long - this was something that felt so needed and so nice, so much sweeter and stronger than if we had given in straight away. There was still a lot to be unpacked here, between us, but now wasn't the time or the place and I knew that if nothing else. We just sat there in silence, comfortable as I let him play with my hand as he rested his cheek on top of my head, occasionally taking a moment to breathe me in or a second to kiss me and I enjoyed every second of it - never having experienced anything like this before. Being held, the level of intimacy we were experiencing was sending a strange combination of adrenaline and calm through my body, making the red in the room seeming just that bit brighter, bolder. I'd never been held like this by was strange, but it felt so right. So natural.

"Today was such a shit show," he mutters and I just nod in agreement as his mind runs through the events of the day, clearly needing to vent - my original purpose when he called me here, whether subconsciously or consciously needing someone to vent to. "This makes it better but did that happen?" He tells me, murmuring the words against my forehead with what I think is meant to be a conciliatory squeeze and I just smile at the gesture and his attempt to make me feel better as though he can tell he's losing me a little.

"I don't know...but you're the winner in my eyes," I tell him, moving my head slightly so that he can't rest his on top of mine - instead he's forced to meet my eyes and see that I'm not lying to him. "My champion... this is Monaco - unfortunately it's the race decided by Saturday and the strategy. You did your bit, no one will blame you...this happens - Ricciardo in 2016, it's happened to Lewis, it's happened to'll get it one day," I tell him with a smile and watch as he melts a little with each word, the gratitude in his eyes becoming the overwhelming emotion...frustration fading each second as my hand caresses his cheek gently.

"Someone's been doing their homework," he says impressed, a smug smirk painting his lips and I know it's real because his eyes crease just a little as the dimples on his cheeks make a small appearance on his face and I can't help but smile back up at him as a blush covers my cheeks before I shrug as I bite down on my lip nervously. "Thank you, princess," he whispers as he presses a kiss to my cheek and I feel ready to implode from that alone.

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