18. Chapter Eighteen.

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As I followed Dimitri into his dimly lit room, I couldn't help but feel anxious about what was to come. The darkness of the room seemed to match the blackness of his soul, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped in his web once again.

The walls were coated in a deep black color, which surprisingly gave the room a sophisticated and sleek look. The furniture was minimalistic, but elegant, and the lighting was dim, casting an eerie shadow over everything in the room.

I bit my lip nervously as I took in my surroundings, trying to keep my composure in the face of the man who had trapped me in this situation.

"This room is as black as your soul, Dimitri," I murmured, unable to resist the dig.

"A black soul that has you carrying my child, Rena," Dimitri replied smugly, turning to face me with a knowing smirk.

My heart fluttered at the thought of our child. Even though our relationship was complicated and fraught with tension, the fact that I was carrying his baby filled me with a sense of joy and purpose along with anxiety and uncertainty.

"Touche," I replied, my voice low and sultry. I knew that I had to be careful not to reveal my true feelings to Dimitri, but I couldn't help the sense of contentment that washed over me as I gazed around his opulent bedroom.

Dimitri turned to face me, a smug expression on his face. "Black is a color that embodies power and sophistication, Rena. And let's not forget that it matches the darkness of my soul," he replied, his tone oozing with arrogance.

"Just so you know, Dimitri, I'm not going to stay here forever," I said, my tone firm and resolute. "I don't know what you plan on doing to Sofia, but the moment you've managed to get it done, I'm out of here with my child."

I folded my arms across my chest, trying to exude an air of confidence and control, despite the fear that was gnawing at my insides.

Dimitri approached me, and my eyes widened with apprehension. My heart raced in my chest, and I blushed, feeling both embarrassed and aroused by his proximity.

Dimitri's voice, low and commanding, as he pulled me close to his broad chest. "I have every right over my child and over you, Rena," he declared with conviction. The weight of his words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel powerless under his gaze. "Your mind, body, and soul belong to me," he continued, his voice unwavering. "And I'll be damned if I let you or my child slip away."

I struggled against his grip, but his hold on me was firm, and I felt a sense of helplessness wash over me. As much as I wanted to resist him and break free from his control, there was a part of me that couldn't deny the allure of his power and dominance.

I knew that I was in deep trouble, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of excitement and desire stirring within me.

Dimitri's hand circled my waist in a soothing motion, and I found myself clinging to his arms for balance. His eyes locked onto mine, holding me captivated, while his hot breath fanned my lips with desire. I was tempted to tip up onto my toes and kiss him with all the passion I could muster.

Despite my better judgement, I found myself drawn to him, my body responding instinctively to his touch. It was as though he had some sort of magnetic pull over me, and I couldn't resist him even if I tried.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I gazed up into his intense gaze. Part of me was terrified of the power he held over me, but another part of me was secretly thrilled by the danger and excitement of it all.

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