1. Chapter One.

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As I paced back and forth, my heart beating rapidly, I knew that I had to escape this place. I had already spent too much time here, and the thought of being trapped any longer filled me with fear and dread.

And as I placed my hand on my pregnant tummy, I realized that it was not just my health that was at stake, but the life of my unborn child as well. Every second that passed felt like an eternity, and I couldn't bear the thought of them taking my baby away from me.

The fear and anxiety were overwhelming, but I refused to let them abort my baby. With every step I took, I felt more determined than ever to break free from this place and start a new life with my child.

The realization that they could find out about my pregnancy filled me with even more dread. Being a princess meant that I had certain expectations to uphold, and getting pregnant at my age and status was certainly not one of them.

The mere thought of them forcing me to have an abortion made my blood run cold. I knew that I couldn't go through with it; this child was a part of me, and I loved them already.

But the weight of my decision was heavy, and I couldn't help but feel conflicted. The one person I could always rely on for help around here apart from my doctor Grace, was my mother, and she was dead.

My mother would have understood my predicament and supported my decision, but she was gone. Left to my own devices, I had to muster up the courage to do what I felt was right for myself and my child. I would fight tooth and nail to keep this child, to give them the life they deserved.

Returning to my decision to secretly hold onto my title as princess, I was acutely aware that my twentieth  birthday was just five months away. Waiting until then to relinquish my title was not an option, as my growing stomach would make it obvious that I was pregnant.

Given that I was still considered a child at the age of nineteen until turning twenty, my father and Violet would have the legal right to force me to terminate the pregnancy. However, I knew that even that would not dissuade them from their intent.

I remembered the words of my stepmother violet which she said to me this morning. I didn't know how she was going to do it but I could only have faith her plan would come through since I didn't have any other plans to get out of her.

Gently placing my hand on my stomach, I could feel a sense of warmth emanating from within.

Although my tummy was still small, it was already beginning to take on a life of its own, and I knew that I would do everything in my power to protect my little one from any harm that may come their way.

The thought of becoming a mother filled me with a sense of purpose and responsibility that I had never felt before, and I was determined to do everything I could to ensure the safety and happiness of my child.

As I rubbed my stomach, my mind began to wander to thoughts of Dimitri. Despite the fact that he was the father of my child, I couldn't help but feel a sense of animosity towards him after the way he had treated me.

I couldn't shake the feeling that he was out there right now, off gallivanting with another woman, while I was left here to deal with the aftermath of our tumultuous relationship.

I had given him my innocents, and in return, he had thrown me back into the same toxic environment that I had tried so hard to escape as if I was just a pass time for him.

And yet, despite my anger towards him, a small part of me couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought that he would never truly experience the joys of fatherhood with our child as I would never let him.

Even though communicating with Dimitri's younger brothers, the twins, I hadn't even texted them about my baby feeling quite scared to.

As much as I wished things could be different, I knew that the best thing for me and my baby was to move forward and focus on building a brighter future for ourselves.

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