11. Chapter Eleven.

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As I turned around, my heart skipped a beat as I laid eyes on Dimitri once again. His presence filled the room, and I couldn't help but notice how his rugged features had become even more refined and handsome over time.

Despite the rush of emotion that swept over me, I couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that lingered in the back of my mind. Memories of our tumultuous past together clashed with the reality of the present, leaving me with a sense of uncertainty and unease.

Dimitri's voice broke through the silence, interrupting my thoughts. "I would say that I'm surprised to see you here, Rena, but I can't. You've always been one for adventure and excitement." His words stung, reminding me of the risks and rewards that had defined our relationship.

My heart raced as I confronted Dimitri, struggling to keep my voice steady and composed. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked, hoping to conceal the whirlwind of emotions stirring within me.

Dimitri's response was curt and to the point. "You two should come out now. I need to have a word with Rena in private. I'll deal with you two later," he said, addressing his twin brothers who hesitated before reluctantly leaving the room.

My anger flared at his dismissive tone, and I couldn't help but speak up. "Firstly, you have no right to deal with them later, considering they've done nothing wrong. Secondly, I have nothing to say to you. And thirdly, I would rather the twins stay and you leave," I snapped, my voice tinged with frustration and indignation.

Despite my sharp retort, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull that Dimitri had over me. His mere presence left me shivering with delight, and I struggled to maintain my composure in his presence.

Dimitri's patronizing tone grated on my nerves, and I struggled to suppress the rising anger within me. "Well, look who's suddenly a big girl now," he chuckled darkly, his eyes flickering towards my stomach before turning his attention to the twins who stood their ground.

Nico spoke up, his tone laced with confusion and frustration. "We did nothing wrong. What is our fault in all of this?" he asked, folding his arms and refusing to back down.

Dimitri's expression turned icy, and I could sense a storm brewing. His words dripped with malice as he spoke. "You boys should know better than to interfere in matters that don't concern you. But I'll deal with you later," he threatened, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Despite the tension in the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the twins' bravery and loyalty. They had always stood by my side, even in the face of danger and adversity, and I knew that I could count on them to have my back no matter what.

My heart sank as Dimitri's words sank in. The weight of his accusations pressed down on me, threatening to crush my spirit. "You two assisted in helping Rena escape her royal family," he spat out, his voice laced with contempt. "You had her illegally enter the country through false identity and most likely have placed the Viking's mafia family as the head of Asentrix's royal family as there first target. One small trace and we'll be up against a royal family, something we had managed to escape. But you two had to go ahead and help the princess escape once again." Dimitri taunted, his words hitting home with a painful precision.

The full extent of their actions hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe that the twins had been so reckless and thoughtless, putting not only themselves but also me and our entire operation at risk. The weight of their betrayal threatened to break me, and I could feel the tears stinging at the corners of my eyes.

"Sono sicuro che a tuo padre piacerebbe sapere tutto quello che siete stati impegnati a fare per quasi una settimana,"

(I'm sure your father would love to hear all that you two have been busy doing for almost a week)

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