19. Chapter Nineteen.

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As I laid in Dimitri's bed, the sound of the door closing echoed for what felt like the seventh time. Each time it closed, it felt like a weight on my chest, reminding me of the pain and guilt I carried.

I couldn't bring myself to eat, even if they were offering me a fortune. The reason for my refusal to eat was rooted in the knowledge that my actions had caused my own father to have a heart attack.

If only I hadn't run away, none of this would have ever happened to him. The guilt I felt was overwhelming, and I knew I could never forgive myself for the pain I had caused.

Losing my mother had been a traumatic experience, and now I was facing the possibility of losing my father as well. The thought of becoming parentless was too much to bear, and I hated the feeling of helplessness that came with it.

I had always prided myself on being independent and self-sufficient, but now I felt like a burden to everyone around me.

In an attempt to coax me into eating, Dimitri's mother, two maids, the twins, and my doctor had all come to visit me. Their well-intentioned gestures only served to make me feel worse. It was as if they were trying to force me to move on from the guilt I felt, but I couldn't.

Regret consumed me as I laid in Dimitri's room, my thoughts circling around the events that had led me here. The day that I left him, I hadn't even said goodbye. I had just walked out of his life, without any explanation or warning.

I had been selfish and thoughtless, only considering my own desires and needs. And now, everything I had done to him had suddenly taken a toll on him, and he was lying in a hospital bed, suffering from a heart attack.

The weight of my guilt was suffocating, and I couldn't help but think about the devastating effects of a heart attack. It could cause a loss of memory, permanent heart damage, and even death. I didn't want to lose him, not like this.

As I sat there, lost in thought, the door opened, and the intoxicating and alluring scent of Dimitri suddenly enveloped me. The smell of steaming hot food cascading around the room, and the bed behind me sank as he sat down beside me.

The aroma of the food was almost too much to bear, and my stomach grumbled in protest. Despite my hunger, I couldn't bring myself to eat, not when I knew that he was lying in a hospital bed, fighting for his life because of me.

Dimitri's presence brought some comfort, but it was short-lived. The guilt and regret still weighed heavy on my heart, and I knew I had a long road ahead of me if I wanted to make amends for my mistakes.

Dimitri's voice rang with authority as he spoke. "You must eat something, Rena," he said firmly, his words carrying the weight of a command not to be disobeyed.

I remained stone-faced, uninterested in his company or anyone else's for that matter. I felt like I was suffocating, drowning in my own thoughts and emotions. The weight of my father's heart attack felt crushing, and I didn't know if I could handle it.

"I will not leave until you have taken sustenance, Rena," Dimitri continued, undeterred by my lack of response. "Your neglect is not only harmful to yourself but also to the baby. The well-being of the child depends on your clarity of mind."

His words grated on my nerves, and I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I didn't need anyone telling me what to do, especially not him.

"Dimitri, I must confess that my child and I were thriving in your absence. I want to know about your intentions towards me and our child in light of your apparent indifference towards my well-being! Because it's clear that you only have the baby's interests, leaving me wondering if your intentions towards me are genuine. If it weren't for our child, I wouldn't be here." My words dripped with frustration and exasperation.

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