Episode 11: Sense and Insensitivity

Start from the beginning

Hooty: The first option, hooty hoot hoot.

[David sigh before putting out a dead mice from his pocket. Hooty stared at it before trying to bite it but David put his hand out to stop him.]

David: Ah ah ah, I'll give it to you if you don't tell anyone what I did or saw me, got it?

Hooty: Roger that, hoot!

[David tossed the mice into Hooty's mouth as he ate it in one bite. Opening the door and closed it quickly, he silently walk into a shared room before getting into his sleeping and fall asleep.]

[Morning came as David feels like someone is shaking his body to wake him.]

Luz: David! Wake up, David!

David: [Groan and yawn.] What time is it?

Eda: [Called from the doorway.] It's work time, now get your lazy butt up and let's start working!

David: Alright alright, I'm up! [Stretching.] Come on Keanu, let's get started.

[Keanu wakes up from his sleep and stretch his body before following David and Luz to the bathroom where they brushed their teeth. Next is them changing clothes, well, separately because they don't want to be more awkward changing. David takes his pajamas off and puts on his jacket, but he didn't noticed that Luz quietly peeked over with a blush on her face while silently take a picture of his body.]

[Cuts to Eda's Human Collectibles stand in the market. King holds up a tray of mostly inedible human things.]

King: Partake of my free snack samples! Take them; I demand it as your ruler, the King of Demons!

[Several people pass but none even look at him. He throws the tray on the ground.]

King: Nyeh! Why isn't anyone paying attention to me? I'm their rightful overlord. Intellectually and such.

Eda: Yeah... hey! [Grabs a passerby by the cowl, sniffs.] It reeks more of nerd than money today.

Luz: Guys!

[Eda lets go of the passerby.]

Passerby: Ah!

David: Hey guys, guess what?

Eda: What?

Luz: You will not believe what's going on! [Poses under a banner.] It's a book fair! Where books come to life!

David: [Did a pose.] And knowledge is power!

[A book jumps off one of the stands next to them.]

Book: Hello.

[Luz screams and kicks it.]

David: Good kick.

Luz: What do you think?

David: Mmm, I'd say 9 out of 10.

Luz: What? How come it's not 10/10?

David: You missed the trash can. [Points to the book next to the can.]

Luz: Oh right, but at least I'm improve my flexibility.

David: I'm sure you have, but Keanu and I are more flexible and more stronger, right buddy?

[Keanu nodded with a bark. David pat him on the head as he panted and licked his hand.]

Luz: Pfft whatever.

David: [Chuckles.]

King: A fair without rides?

Boy: Who needs rides when this [Shoves a book in King's face.] can take you anywhere?

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