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Kamari and Tsireya were in the dining hut to prepare lunch for everyone.
"So how did your date go?" Kamari asked her best friend.

"I suppose it was good. He's very kind and says sweet things." Tsireya smiled.

"But?" Kamari asked as she saw something was bothering Tsireya.

"I want him to get along with you."

"Well I haven't spent much time with him. Maybe he's nice to me too, we'll just have to see." Kamari shrugged.

She honestly didn't want to get to know this guy. He will probably be like the others and bully her when Tsireya isn't around.

Tsireya hummed in agreement and they continued preparing the food in silence until Tsireya spoke again.

"You know I think Lo'ak likes you."

Kamari furrowed her eyebrows. She couldn't believe what Tsireya just said. Did she hear her wrong?
Or maybe Tsireya was just joking with her and Kamari didn't realize it. How would Tsireya know if Lo'ak liked her? Kamari wasn't even too sure about that herself. Maybe it was just an impulse what happened on the beach, they didn't talk about it again so maybe it was just a moment thing and nothing more.


"Lo'ak likes you."

"Are you serious?" Kamari questioned unsure.

"A hundred percent." Tsireya confirmed with a nod.


"Seriously Kamari?! How could he not?" Tsireya stopped what she was doing and faced the girl with white strands.

"How do you know that?" Kamari asked further.

Tsireya laughed slightly "Because he's always staring at you. He watches every move you make with this awestruck look in his eyes." The slightly taller girl explained with passion.

"Really?" Kamari asked softly.

"Really." Tsireya gave a nod again.

"And.. What does that mean now?"

"Well, do you like him back?"

"Don't know. I never liked someone." Kamari rolled her shoulders back.

"Okay, how do you feel with him? When he's around? When he's talking or touching you?" Tsireya deciphered.

Kamari had to think about it, she didn't know if she could even explain what she was feeling but she tried to.

"We only met each other just the day but he already got me feeling some type of way." Kamari told her.

"What way?"

"Every time he smiles at me I feel something in my stomach and before I can think about it I smile back. You know I never do that!" Kamari slightly panicked at the end.

"And when you touched Lo'ak I felt weird." Kamari looked down and furrowed her eyebrows.

"How weird?"

"I became upset." Kamari grimaced but Tsireya smiled amused.

"You were jealous. You were afraid Lo'ak would feel something for me when I was near him so you became annoyed. That's normal. And it means that Lo'ak has a place in your heart." Tsireya explained.

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