Scythe Viessa Vritra.

She stepped back, and retainer Mawar straightened.

A deep voice spoke, coming from the air all around us. "No challengers have stepped forward to face Haydraught of Sehz-Clar. Would any prospects now offer challenge?"

As one, the entire audience, several tens of thousands of people, all focused on the combat field, waiting breathlessly. But no one stepped forward.

"Haydraught goes unchallenged," the voice boomed.

Bowing again to the high box, retainer Haydraught marched stiffly from the field.

"No challengers have stepped forward to face Mawar of Etril. Would any prospects now offer challenge?"

Again, the call for challengers went unanswered.

"Mawar goes unchallenged," the voice boomed.

Following Haydraught's lead, Mawar bent into a fluid bow, then floated from the combat field.

"In the aftermath of war, even the mightiest warriors may fall in pursuit of the High Sovereign's will. The dangers of the world are numerous, and thus we rely on the High Sovereign to safeguard us, fortify us, and make us resolute. We pay tribute to the departed for their valor. Retainers Uto of Vechor, Jaegrette of Truacia, and Bilal of Truacia, and Scythes Cadell, Melzri, and Dragoth. May their names and deeds be remembered for as long as there beats a solitary Alacryan heart."

"But where one hero falls, another will rise. Four of Alacrya's champions have emerged to vie for the role of retainer of Truacia under Scythe Viessa Vritra. Sovereign Kiros Vritra extends a cordial invitation to the field to Ssanyu the Stone Eater, Aadaan of Named Blood Rusaek, Kagiso of Highblood Gwethe, and Bivrae of the Dead Three."

As their names resounded throughout the arena, the contenders made their entrance, striding towards the center of the field through one of the many gateways. They lined up in unison, standing tall and firm in a row - Bivrae standing aloof from the rest, her face twisted into a look of contempt - and bowed as one to the high box."Would any other prospects offer challenge?" the voice said.

A moment passed. No one moved.

The voice that boomed through the coliseum was deep and grandiose, commanding the attention of everyone present. "Bow before Sovereign Kiros of Vechor," it declared, and the challengers quickly complied, heads bowed low in deference.

As the Sovereign's presence filled the air, I felt a weight pressing down on me, but it was nothing compared to the crushing pressure it would have been before my transformation.

A massive figure appeared at the edge of the high box balcony, casting a shadow over the arena. People around me instinctively looked down, averting their gaze from the Sovereign's piercing eyes.

When he spoke, his voice rumbled like thunder, imbued with power and authority. It was a sound that could shake the very foundations of the arena. "Prove yourselves, challengers," he commanded. "Demonstrate your strength and desire, and bring honour to your bloodlines and Sovereigns. Leave no weakness within yourselves, but draw upon every ounce of strength within you."

The battles then began, however, they were too low level to be of interest to me.

"Challengers Echeron and Lancel, please remain on..."

The voice paused. He was finally moving like he should be.

A black speck in the sky began rapidly growing in size. The audience members started to notice it too, and their voices echoed with questions and concerns. Some even conjured shields or channeled magic into runes, preparing themselves for what they perceived as a threat.

The prospects on the field scattered, activating their powers and preparing to defend themselves. Then, a jet black comet crashed into the center of the arena with an explosion of dark energy, sending them all flying like bugs. The deafening screams of tens of thousands of people filled the air, but no one ran. The entire audience seemed frozen, unable to do anything except watch.

As the arena cleared, a slender man emerged from the dust. He looked like a boy, not much older than most of the prospects, with short black hair and sharp features. However, the untamed rage in his eyes was palpable.

Every step he took caused spikes of black iron to thrust up from the ground, and dark flames wreathed his body. Scythe Viessa Vritra spoke first, her voice carrying effortlessly through the dead-silent stands. "Nico. Explain yourself! What in the High Sovereign's name do you think—"

"Grey!" Scythe Nico Vritra's voice was filled with emotion as he interrupted, his voice cracking with rage. "I know you're here! I accept your challenge, you bastard! Face me!"

A smile played at the corner of my lips. Taking on the alias of Grey, Arthur's past life, seemed to have worked.

Scythe Seris Vritra, one of the three Scythes on the balcony, frowned at Nico. "You're out of line, Nico. This isn't how we—" Her words trailed off as her head snapped towards one of the entrances to the combat field. Her frown turned into an angry and surprised scowl.

As I strode towards Scythe Nico, my fur-lined white cloak billowed behind me, the emblem of the Central Academy emblazoned on my chest.

"Nico," I greeted him with a grin. "You look like you've been through the wringer, old friend."

Nico took a menacing step forward, his jaw clenching and a pulsing vein visible at his temple. Black spikes erupted from the ground with his slightest movement, and his skin was tinged with faint wisps of soulfire flames. "You aren't him!" he bellowed in anger.

With a playful smile, I replied, "No, Nico, I am your reaper."

Although my primary objective was to eliminate Kiros, I knew I had to take care of Nico as well. I had used Illusion Magic to disguise myself, ensuring that the others wouldn't recognise me knowing full well that Nico's rage would blind him to revealing my identity.

"Tessia is important not only to Arthur, but also to me," I said, as I focused on siphoning some of my power around my body. "You will pay for what you did to her."

We separated, creating a distance of twenty feet between us. Nico was a raging inferno of black flames, while I focused on using aether to defeat him in a single hit.

With an angry scream, Nico hurtled towards me. The ground collapsed beneath him, and black spikes grew wherever his shadow touched. A vortex of black flames coiled around him, ready to bathe me in hellfire.

But it was no use.

I punched out, moving far faster than he could comprehend, and shattered his magic, and mana core, and sent him flying out of the arena.

Viessa hovered above Nico's motionless body, inspecting the damage I had inflicted upon him. Mana was rapidly abandoning him, his shattered mana core unable to sustain him any longer.

The sound of the crowd's gasps and frightened screams echoed throughout the coliseum, accompanied by the panicked shouts of the guards and event officials seeking direction. The collapse of the tunnels beneath the combat field added to the chaos.

"I regret that this duel has caused a delay in today's events, but I'm afraid that another interruption is necessary," I declared, making sure my voice carried not just up to the high box but throughout the entire stadium.

"This duel was unsanctioned," Viessa answered coolly, projecting her voice effortlessly across the coliseum. "Whatever the reason for your attack on our fellow Scythe, know that defeating him has earned you nothing from Sovereign Kiros or the High Sovereign. You have no right to claim Scythe Nico's position or ask for anything at all."

Meeting Viessa's black eyes unflinchingly, I stood tall, my jaw relaxed, my lips firm and straight, my stance attentive yet composed. I was the one in control.

"I, Jude Leywin, Commander of Dicathen, challenge Sovereign Kiros!" I announced, unleashing my aura to prevent any excuses or evasions from the Sovereign.

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