Breakfast Time

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Kai walked into the makeshift kitchen, his body and mind exhausted. He yawned and stretched his arms, popping his back in the process. The kitchen was just a corner of the warehouse decked out with various kitchen supplies. A counter, a fridge, dishwashers, a table, chairs, and everything else a kitchen needs. Kai walks over to the coffee machine and pours himself a cup, chugging it down despite the burning on his tongue. He slowly blinked away most of the grogginess from his eyes, giving his body yet another stretch. He looked over at the table and noticed how there wasn't any food laid out.

"Hmph," Kai grumbled to himself as he looked at the microwave's timer; 6:42 AM. (Crap, woke up too early,) Kai thought bitterly to himself, knowing that he'll not have the chance to go back to sleep again. With a groan, Kai shoved his empty cup onto the counter and intended to get another cup when he heard someone yawn nearby. Caught off guard a bit, Kai turned to see, surprisingly, Lloyd walked over. Lloyd's hair was a complete mess, even worse than Kai's. The green ninja finally notices his teammate staring at him and gives him a wave.

"Heya Kai," Lloyd grogs out before he grabs the coffee jug itself and literally chugs the entire thing down, leaving Kai horrified. Kai was aware that Lloyd's body was changing, and not in the normal way. He's started to eat more, has gained strength similar to Cole, and it takes a lot more to hurt him now.

"Dude, that can't be good for your health," Kai mentions as Lloyd finishes the jug, his eyes opening lightly.

"Eh, whatever gets me going is good for me," Lloyd says with a shrug before looking over to the table and noticing the lack of food. "Where's the breakfast?"

"'Fraid we both woke up a tad bit early," Kai says with a bit of disappointment. Lloyd audibly groans at the information and rolls his head back.

"But I'm hungry~" Lloyd complains, not noticing Kai stiffening slightly. Kai rubs his chin in thought before snapping his fingers, a small spark flaring before dissipating.

"Say, why don't we make our own breakfast?" Kai suddenly suggests, confusing Lloyd.

"Huh? Us? Breakfast? Do you even know how to make breakfast?" Lloyd asks with an eyebrow raise. Kai lets out a small huff and shakes his head.

"Yeah, kind of had to learn a long while ago," Kai lets slip. Lloyd's face instantly twists at Kai's response. He knew about Kai and Nya's childhood, he had been told of it a long time ago, and he never liked to bring it up. But, then again, he was quite hungry.

"... D-Do you wanna talk about it?" Lloyd offered Kai a chance to distract them both from the growing void of their stomachs, and the fire ninja took the chance quickly.

"Sure sure. Hm... Oh, here's my personal favorite breakfast moment:"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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