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Kai walked, a white plastic bag in his left hand, into the garage section of their current base, a white plastic bag in his left hand, which was pretty much the entirety of the garage minus a few rooms here and there. The monastery, as iconic as it was, was unfortunately uninhabitable in it's current state. The previous events of the past few years left it in a state of disrepair, and none of the ninja had the motivation to go and clean it up. Well, maybe Zane and Pixal would like to go, but they were preoccupied with keeping the team together. Which they're failing at considering that Jay and Cole haven't been back for weeks. Anyways, they needed a place to stay, rented a big old garage, and by rented I mean took to an abandoned warehouse, and moved most of their stuff there for the time being.

Back to the present, Kai let his feet guide him to a yellow sofa that had seen better days, tears and faded fabric ate away at it like a disease. Sitting on said couch was none other than Nya, blindly watching the TV as if her brain was simply shut off. Kai didn't say anything as he sat down next to her, his weight deforming the cushion slightly, as he rattled the bag in his hand in front of her. "Heya little sis, guess what I've got~" Kai waited for her response, expecting an annoyed sigh to escape her, but he got silence instead. Confused, Kai placed the bag down on the floor and turned his attention to the TV. His confusion was quickly replaced with anger as he saw the broadcast.

"-that the ninja are a menace to Ninjago, and potentially the entire realm as we know it!" A man who had a thick black mustache and was going bald said with a menacing frown. "All these disasters and who're always the first to respond? THE DARN NINJAS THAT'S WHO! It's almost as if they, say, set these events into motion and come in to save the day. And for what? For kicks? WELL I AIN'T HAVING IT! Open your eyes Ninjago, can't you see the obvious ploy at play? Especially recently, with that whole "water ninja" thing. That crazy woman nearly drowned the entire continent! If that isn't proof that-"

Kai snatched the remote from the table in front of the couch and quickly turned the TV to a different channel, one that played old children's cartoons. Kai looked over to Nya and studied her face, seeing the held back tears in her eyes and her quivering hands were enough for his brotherly instincts to kick in. Kai scooted over and wrapped Nya into a hug, one that she buried herself in immediately. "That damn Jonah, thinking he knows "everything" that Ninjago doesn't," Kai muttered under his breath as he gave silent hushes to his sister who finally began to cry.

"I-I- Kai, am I a b-bad person?" Nya finally spoke up, her voice slightly cracking at the middle of her sentence. She goes to wipe her eyes on Kai's shirt and he lets her do so.

"No Nya, you're not anywhere close to being a bad person. You were used against your will and without your knowledge. You're a victim, Nya, not a bad person, not at all," Kai said, straining a smile. "And even if you one day, somehow, decided to turn to villainy I'd still stick by your side."

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