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Zane's hands moved robotically as he moved pans and plates around the kitchen, placing them in their respective areas. He did this every morning; Boot up, go to the kitchen, make everyone's favorite meal (besides pizza,) and wait for everyone to wake up and eat. It was his purpose in the morning ever since the other ninjas figured out his cooking was delicious. Zane didn't mind doing it all the time, in fact he took great pride in it... And yet, something just didn't sit right. Even as he placed the fried eggs down in front of a green colored chair, one made of plastic like ones you'd see a kid have, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "Zane?" Responding to his name quickly, Zane turned his head to see Pixal staring at him in the doorway. A frown creeps up on him.

"Pixal, you're supposed to be recharging, you shouldn't overexert yourself," Zane states as his gaze moves to the badly repaired gash on her chest. Even with her clothes on Zane could see the damage as it stretched up to her neck. 

Zane stared in horror as Pixal was struck with a geyser of high pressure water, metallic skin tearing off at the seams. Wires and screws fell onto the ground with small clinks while Pixal landed with a harsh thud. Zane had ran to her side as quickly as he could and used his element to freeze up the wound. He knew it wouldn't do much, considering how she wasn't organic, but it was better than nothing. "Can you still fight?" Zane asked her, fully prepared to take her off the battle field if needed. Pixal suddenly grabbed Zane's gi and pulled him down, preventing another geyser from striking him in the head.

"I am fine Z-BRZT-Zane, J-KRZT-Just a little banged up," Pixal said, her voice glitching slightly. "We mustn't stop until we stop Poseidias and s-ZRTX-save Nya," Zane gave a strong nod and helped Pixal onto her feet. The 2 nindroids turned towards the water elemental and charged together.

"You are stressed," Pixal said with a blunt voice and an equally blunt face, "let me help you with these." Pixal walked over and grabbed the dirty pans from the sink and started the water.

"Pixal, I assure you that I am perfectly capable of-"

"Zane," Pixal stops him without looking towards him, instead focusing on scrubbing the pan in her hand, "do you forget that we share the same heart? I know that you feel pain Zane, and that you're worried about something." Zane remained quiet for a good few seconds before responding.

"I am worried about the others, Pixal. We've faced the Over Lord, the serpentine, the Sons of Garmadon, and even ghosts, but this is the first time one of us died. Sure, Kai came back not too long after, but he still died. And Nya has gained aquaphobia, Lloyd's regressed, Jay is busy in the shop, and Cole's still trying to find master Wu. I fear that, maybe, we might not recover from this," Zane let's a sigh escape him as he turns to his love. "So, I suppose that I am quite stressed. Making breakfast is one of the only normal things left to do around here."

"I see," Pixal placed the cleaned pan into the dryer and turned to Zane with a smile, "then how about we enjoy "normal" together?" Pixal extended her hand to the ice ninja, and he took it.

Aquaphobia AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon