The break up

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Nya sat on the opposite side of Jay, the 2 not daring to look each other in the eye. They both wanted the other to start, but each refused to do so. It wasn't surprising honestly, neither wanted to say it, because that would mean admitting that their relationship had fallen apart.

They hadn't really been a "couple" ever since Lloyd got possessed by Morro, and everything after that just put a strain on their relationship even more. They still had their moments, sure, but it fell flat in the grand scheme of things. And of course, in light of "recent events," it had finally reached this point.

"So," Jay finally caved, starting a conversation, "how've you been?" Jay had wanted to check in on Nya more, FSP he did, but he, Cole, and Zane had to work harder to protect the city as Nya, Kai, and Lloyd took a much needed break.

"I've been fine," Nya said dryly, clearly lying but refusing to say the truth. And Jay wasn't about to push his luck.

"Good good, that's, uh, that's good," Jay muttered to himself, bouncing in his seat anxiously. The silence came back and it was deafening. Nya decided it was better to get it over with rather than prolong it anymore, so she took in a breath and spoke.

"I think, f-for us to be happier, you should find someone else for you," Nya's heart broke with the sentence, and she could tell Jay's did too. But in all honesty, it was a long time coming.

"Y-Yeah," Jay replied in agreement. "D-Do you think Kai will-"

"Nah," Nya cut him off, "He might be a bit angry, but I'm sure he'll understand."

"Good, cool," Jay said in relief.



"You still haven't told Cole, have you?" Nya watched Jay's face turn red, proving that he, in fact, had not told Cole about this situation.

"I just- I haven't had the best time to- I mean- Ugh," Jay struggled to find his words, but it was pretty clear what he was trying to say; He loved Cole romantically.

Jay hadn't known he was bisexual a long time, and his relationship with Nya only proved to himself that he was straight. But perhaps his brief rivalry with Cole over Nya made him start feeling things towards the earth ninja. Maybe it was when they nearly died because of it? Or maybe when they were forced to fight each other? Or all of the other times they had intimate moments together?

Whenever it started, it certainly took a toll on Jay's mental health. He had been so confused for the longest time, with Zane of all people finally telling Jay about bisexuality.

"I'm sorry, Nya," Jay started up again, though his head was hanging low. "I'm a terrible person for putting you through this, especially after all that happened."

"Jay, *Sigh* c'mon, you know for a fact that this isn't the worst thing to happen to me," Nya replied as she stood up, "you have nothing to feel sorry about."

"I just- I- Ugh. I just feel stupid for not realizing my feelings sooner, y'know?" It was Jay's turn to stand up, "I never wanted to string you along or make you confused or anything like that! And I hate that I can't stay in this relationship but, well, I just think I see Cole more romantically... THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T LOVE YOU! I- um, I think I just love you in a different way."

Nya hummed to herself, taking in Jay's words, before she replied, "Well, you and Cole have my blessing. And hey, for what it's worth, I'm just glad you're not dumping me and refusing to talk to me for the rest of your life," That got a small laugh out of both of them.

It wouldn't be the same, and FSM knows that they'll still feel this sting for a long time, but they'll get through this, together.

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