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Kai was a strong person, or at least he thinks of himself as strong. And why shouldn't he? He's helped save Ninjago, even the world, multiple times over without so much as a scratch. He's been there for all of his siblings, as they appear in his eyes, in their lowest moments. Sure, he's had his moments as well, but he always needs to be there for them. And they knew that too, usually coming to talk with him about emotional stuff. Nya always compared him to a warm teddy bear, and he couldn't lie, it made him happy.

So it comes as to no shock that he was woken up by Nya in the middle of the night. Nya.... Oh poor Nya. The thought, the memories, nearly run across his mind before Nya cuts them off. "Kai, c-can I sleep with you two tonight?" Nya asked in a quiet voice as to not wake up Lloyd next to him. Oh yeah, that. Ever since THAT Lloyd didn't want to leave Kai's side, afraid he'll lose him again. Kai doesn't say a word, he doesn't have to, as he shuffles a bit to the side to make some room. His bed wasn't small, in fact it was a king-sized bed, so he had room for more than himself. Nya climbed onto the bed and under the red, puffy, and soft blanket. Lloyd's snoring usually got onto the ninjas' nerves but not to Kai and Nya, especially not at this time.

"Ermph, so sis, what's got- *yawn* you up?" Kai asked, his voice deepened by his drowsiness. Nya gave a frown and pulled her knees up.

"I-I had the dream of you dy-dy-" Nya struggled to say the full sentence, as if her body physically refused to finish it out of fear. But Kai was able to read her like a book easily and knew she had the events of the temple play back to her. Kai thought that it just wasn't fair; His sister has only ever done good to the world and yet someone like Poseidias comes along and manipulates her and tricks her and uses her and makes her kill him! Kai quickly began to breath hard, remembering the searing pain of gold and water piercing his chest, the blood, the screaming from Lloyd, the heartbreak on Nya's face before it went blank, and then the nothingness that came after. Kai quickly realized that Nya was crying, and so was he. Kai decides to push his arm out and drag Nya over to him, resting her head against his chest.

"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay sis, w-we can cry tomorrow, tonight we sleep," Kai whispered carefully to Nya while caressing her head. His fingers flew through her waves of hair, the same hair she wanted to cut off not too long ago. Nya simply let herself start to breath slowly, her breathing matching the rhythm of Kai's breath, until she stopped crying. A couple seconds later and she was snoring, just like Lloyd. Kai found himself smiling and rolled over so he could pull the already asleep Lloyd into the hug. He loved his siblings, and he would do anything to protect them. He finally let sleep take him again, knowing fully well that he'll be there to protect them tomorrow.

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