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My eyes sparkled happily, "Thank you!"
"Don't eat to much, your dinner will be served soon."
"Yeah. yeah."
While eating the gummy's, I could only wonder why he was still here. Also, why did he even buy me snacks. Wait! Where was Himari?
"Shu, do you maybe know where Himari is?"
" She is staying at our place at the moment."
"Yui wanted her to stay."
"Oh, I really appreciate it, but you guys shouldn't have... Is she behaving though ?"
Shu shrugged, " I don't know, but Reiji hasn't complained yet. The doctors advise you to stay near relatives the next week, to make sure you are doing alright."
I had relatives, but most were dead or lived on the other side of the world.
"Yeah, that's alright."
"There is no need to lie Rin. Himari told us your family is basically dead. Yui said it would be no problem for you to sleep with her. But, there are enough rooms available anyway."
Wow. How generous. Like actually, what the fuck. I always thought those vampires were assholes, which they were, but maybe not as bad as I thought. Still, I didn't want to be a burden to them. Them keeping Himari for so long was already enough work.
" Thank you for the offer, but I'm alright on my own."
" This was not an offer Rin. Your coming, even if I have to drag you there."
I could feel my heart pounding furiously, the monitors beeping loudly. Oh shit. Was this all because of that single sentence. It sounded so sexy and demanding.
Some nurses came rushed in, checking the monitors and calling in a doctor.
"Oh no, everything is alright! I just got..uh..happy! Just, excitement!"
The nurse looked at Shu, who was smirking, the nurse nodded, understanding the situation.
How embarrassing! Wait, don't vampires hear your heartbeat as well? That meant, everytime I was flustered, he realized! Alright, you could probably realize I was flustered even without being a vampire.
" Rest up Rin, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10. Be ready."

He left, and then I was all alone in this room. I was so lonely. Even watching Netflix didn't help.
I decided to take a shower, looking for something comfortable to wear. Himari must've packed this bag. I took a quick shower, washing my hair that was greasy and flat. God, Shu was looking hot the entire time while I was looking like a sewer rat.
After taking a long shower, I blowdried my hair, brushed my teeth and put some comfy clothes on. After days, I finally felt clean and comfortable again.
I took out my phone, texting Himari.


Hey Himari, how are you doing? Everything alright? Are they treating you good? Are you behaving well?

Heyy Rin, I'm doing great. Me and Laito just finished watching Scream!😜 I know you said I wasn't allowed to watch it, but don't worry, I'm not scared at all😁 they are all super kind, I even got my own room! Reiji is strict, but he helps me with my homework. Shu is either with you, or he is asleep. Laito watches horror movies with me. Kanato and me always have tea-parties, he seems to really like me. He even suggested a sleepover!💕

Im glad to hear. Im going to be with you from tomorrow on. Also, go to sleep, it's late.

I had put on a loose white shirt and some comfy shorts. I was putting on a pair of shoes when Shu came walking in the room, without earphones. "Everything is filled out, let's go."
"Okay! Just one minute, I just have to put on my shoes!"
I went to get my bag, but Shu was already carrying it.
"Oh thank you."
He shrugged, opening the door for me.
My legs were weak and a little shaky, since I hadn't moved around in days.
My hands were around the railing tightly.
As I was about to take a slow step, Shu put his arm around my waist.
" If you need help, just say so." He mumbled, his soft, veiny hands rubbing against my stomach.
God. How Touch starved was I? I just wanted to fall in his arms, make out and do some other things.Anyway, I shouldn't be thinking about this!

I sat down in the huge Limo, Himari silently sitting and glancing around the vehicle.
She started grinning when she saw me, running towards me and embracing me.
" I'm so happy you're alright! Are you feeling good?"
"Yes, I'm good.  Are you alright too? Did you miss me!?"
"Yes, yes. They were taking very good care of me!"
We all sat down, and during the drive Himari was talking non-stop.
I really missed her, although she visited me multiple times in the hospital.
Once we arrived at the mansion, Yui came running down greeting me and hugging me.
" I'm so happy you're alright!"
Reiji had came in mid-sentence, waiting for Yui to finish talking.
"Hello Rin, I will be showing you where you can stay."
" Thank you for letting me stay. It really wasn't necessary."
Once he showed me my room, I started un-packing. This place was fancy, almost like a hotel. " I would've killed to grow up in a place like this." I mumbled to myself, suddenly hearing a shuffling sound behind me.
I turned around, Shu laying on my bed and looking at me.
" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THERE!" I yelled out in shock, trying to ignore the fact that he was laying on the bed that I was gonna sleep on tonight.
" I live here."
" Well I know, but a little bit of privacy would be nice."
" Why don't you lay down with me for a bit, the doctor recommended you to rest."
"I actually do feel a little light-headed, but I don't want to like..lay down with you."
" Why not? Do you not trust yourself , with
keeping your hands to yourself ?"
" What! Of course I do! Move to the side." I stomped towards him, laying down next to him but keeping a safe distance.
I felt my eyes getting heavy, quietly yawning, maybe I was more exhausted than I thought.

Fire. Everywhere was fire. What was happening? This wasn't real, right? Just a dream! I was back in school, just this time I was locked up in a small room with no windows or doors? It kept on getting warmer, fire cornering me in. My knees started shaking and I started breathing fast. Very fast. I couldn't breath any more. Why couldn't I breath anymore? I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks. My head was hurting. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't. Was I dying?

I woke up, breathing heavily and still feeling the wet tears on my cheek. A nightmare, only a nightmare.
I only now realized I way laying in Shu's arms, he was staring at me in worry.
I sniffled, rubbing away the tears in the corner of my eyes.
" Why am I-"
" You were crying. Did you have a nightmare?"
He gently caressed my cheek, his hair looking messy in the best way possible.
" Sort of."
I was scared to fall asleep again. I didn't want to think or dream about it.
Before letting him answer, I quickly said " I should take a bath."
I stood up, walking to my bag to get some fresh clothes.
" Shouldn't I be watching over you, to make sure you don't pass out?" He had a lazy smile on his soft lips.
Yes. Please! I shouldn't say yes, but I didn't want to say no. Rin, Rin, Rin, recently you have been getting naughty thoughts.
Perhaps I could tell him to turn around while I was taking off my clothes, then afterwards I would allow him to look at me. Once I was laying in the bathtub , with bubbles hiding my body of course! That would be appropriate, right?

Hey guys! Rin is getting bolder day by day , but oh well. Have a good/night !!

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