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After my long shift at the Cafè,I finally got to go home.When I was home I showered,brushed my teeth and then put my school uniform on.I walked in my sisters room and smiled at her,"Don't stay up too late,okay?"I said,walking to her and kissing her cheek."I won't!"She replied,smiling at me.

I walked to school while listening to some music.When I arrived at school I went in my first lesson,it was boring like hell."Okay class so we will be having a Test next week!"The teacher announced.

I was walking around the school,looking for the Libary since I needed some books to learn for this Test.After what felt like hours I finally found the libary.I entered the libary.
I finally found the books that I was looking for,but they where like high up so I decided to grab a chair.
"These books all look the Same..I should probably just get all of these."I mumbled,stalking all the books on my arm.I took one step back,realizing that I was standing on a chair I already prepared for the pain that I would feel in a second.But I Never felt any pain,instead I felt being grabbed by the chest,all my books went flying on the floor.I turned around and saw a boy,he was kinda attractive not gonna lie.
""I said,quickly picking up my books.I was kinda embarrassed,okay I was very embarrassed."It's no big deal..just next time be more careful."he replied,helping me pick up my books.
He handed me all my books and just left.."I wonder what his name is.."I mumbled,quickly walking out the library.

I was sitting in class for quiet a while now,but there was no teacher so I decided to just use this lesson as a brake since other students also left the classroom.
I packed my stuff tog er her and went back to the library to study in those books I got from the library.
I sat down on a chair and started reading through the book,suddenly I heard someone clear there throat.I turned around and I saw a tall male figure with glass and Purple-black hair."This is my seat."he simply said,pushing up his glasses.""I asked,tilting my head."I normally sit here."he replied."It's really not tagt of a big deal,just look for another seat!"I said,continuing to read through the book."I think I didn't make myself clear enough,this is my seat and I'm asking you to leave."he stated,
"Fine."I hissed,standing up and grabbing my books.
When I sat down somewhere else I realized I forgot my bag, "Oh no..I'll have to go back to that strict ass dude."I mumbled,standing up and walking back to the male.When I could see the man again I didn't believe my eye,he held my bag and next to that a picture.The only picture I had in that bag was a picture with me,dad and mom.I quickly rushed over to him and snatched the things out hand."DONt touch that!"I demanded,he stared at the picture for a second."I apologize for touching your things without your permission."he apologized,although it didn't seem like he was actually sorry.I didn't answer him and went back to my seat and looked at the picture.
"I miss you so much mom and dad."I mumbled,suddenly I felt a presence behind me.I turned around and saw a boy with Mint-green hair and bandages wrapped around many parts of his body." miss?"he asked, "Its none of your business!I don't even know you!"I hissed,glaring at him.""he asked,I shook my head."'m sorry for overreacting.."I replied.

The boys and me were just talking the entire time,he seemed kinda comforting "So..where..are..your..parents?"he asked,I looked at the floor."Why are you asking me that?We have only been talking for like 20 minuts."I mentioned,softly smiling at him."I don't seem..nice and..I know you."he stated,returning my smile.I started blushing,"Well..I guess my parents are dead"I replied,sadly smiling at him."Oh..I'm sorry..Rin."he apologized,I shook my head."Don't be!They died when I was 7years old!Tagt was quiet a while ago,no need to be sad anymore!"I chirped,smiling at him,although I was actually still heart broken about the death of my parents.

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