First bite

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I woke up at 11am,I haven't slept so much since I was a small child.I guess that my sister being sick had it's good sides for me.My sister already left for school and I had to get ready for my shift at the Café,so I showered,brushed my teeth and put on my work clothes.

I was on my way to work,it was a very nice day today.The sun was shining and there were many kids walking around.

I was standing behind the counter,eating a Muffin since nobody was was here and I still didn't eat anything.The doors were yanked opened,it gave me a small heart attack that I even chocked on my Muffin.
"Why weren't you at school!"The voice hissed,I looked at the person who said this and it was Kanato."Um..why do you care?"I asked,he tightened his grip around his Teddybear."I DONT CARE YOU MORTAL,YOU ANSWER ME WHEN I ASK YOU SOMETHING !"He yelled,glaring at me."Kanato calm down."I replied,glaring at him.His face expression softened."My sister was sick and I had to take care of her."I explained,he looked at the floor."Do you hate me now Rin?"He asked.What the fuck..why does this dude have to act like a psycho but also like a sweet boy..
"I don't.."I answered,giving him a confused look.

After my work shift I brushed my teeth again and put my school uniform on.My sister was doing some homework in her room,I walked in the kitchen to get a small snack before I left.I grabbed some leftover
takoyaki and quickly swallowed them down.

"Don't stay up to late,okay?"I said,hugging my small sister."I won't!Have a nice night at school!"she replied,sweetly smiling at me."I will."I answered,walking out her bedroom and grabbing my bag the way out.I was now walking to school,it looked like it was about to get dark,ugh I hated darkness so much.

I entered school,like always the hall's were crowded.
I wanted to enter my class but before I could do so I was roughly grabbed and brought in a room.It was Ayato,great,was he here fo revenge or some shit.
"What?"I asked,suddenly he pressed his sharp fangs in my skin."Oww..what the fuck."I mumbled,it felt like my entire body was burning,especially my veins.
"You stupid bastard.."I mumbled..

I woke up,I was laying on a couch.I needed a second to realize what happend, "That Asshole..thinks he can just suck out my blood."I whispered,looking around the room.Nobody was in this room,I sighed as I slowly stood up to look for my next class.My next class was Japanese,I wondered around the hallways looking for my next class.
I walked in the classroom, "Where have you been Rin?"The teacher asked,staring at me."And from where do you have that bite mark?"She added,worriedly looking at me."I was bit by an insect,nothing special!"I lied,smiling at her.She nodded.I sat down,the teacher babbled some random stuff I didn't understand at all,so I just doodled in my notebook.

After class I wanted to clean that weird vampire bite,I didn't know that much about vampires so I wasn't sure if this bite would get infected.
I walked in the bathroom and  gently put some water on the wound and I then put a plaster on the bite mark.I then walked out the bathroom to look for that asshole a.k.a Ayato.I was stomping down the hallway,suddenly I saw Ayato standing next to poor Yui.I walked over to him and smacked the back of his head."Thatst what you get for biting me you asshole!"I hissed,proudly smiling."Oi what the fuck."he replied,glaring at me."Rin..what are you doing..?"Yui quietly asked."You deserve it!Because of you I have a disgusting bite mark on my neck you weirdo."I stated,he didn't say anything so I just walked away.

I was walking down the halls but I was suddenly grabbed by the arm.It was Kou,he seemed mad.He didn't look like the usual cheerful Kou,he looked mad."Why did that full blood drink your blood."He asked,tightening his grip around my arm."Kou..could you stop.This is hurting my arm."I truthfully said,glaring at him.He loosened his grip around my arm abit but he was still waiting for an answer."Okay so I brought Yui to the nurse,Ayato got mad I guess and drank my blood."I stated, "Don't go near those full bloods!"He demanded,tightening his grip around my arm."Kou stop it.You sound possessive as fuck and you are hurting my arm!"I said...

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