Part 14

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- Mika -

I put the hood over my head and slipped the mask over my nose. Looking at the Akatsuki, I knew that this was going to go off without complications. Today, the Sand Village will pay.

"It's time," I said. I tossed 3,000 dollars at Kakuzu. "You'll get the rest afterwards."

He quickly counted the money, making sure I was paying the right amount. When he was sure, he put it away.

"Hidan and Kakuzu, you're with me," I said. "The others, get to your positions as quickly as possible. I don't want anyone getting out."

They nodded and left to get their positions. I walked with Hidan and Kakuzu to the gates. A gate keeper quickly walked up to us. I showed him a fake pass that I payed Kakuzu to get for me. He told the guards to let me in. As I walked through the gates, I looked at the sky. It was near dawn. The gates closed and Kakuzu and Hidan took position in front of the gates, not letting anything get past him. I killed the gate keeper quickly. Crafting 20 Mika clones, I set them all around the village. My reason for the clones were simple: more damage. I walked towards my brother's house. Soon, blood spilled and buildings were torn down. Screams of pain and the last cries of dying people filled the air.

Then I heard my name: "Mika!"

- Gaara -

I watched in horror as Mika stood there, destroying everything with mental attacks. She had grown stronger than me. I yelled her name and took a step towards her, but someone grabbed me from behind, restraining me with an iron grip.

- Mika -

I looked at my brother as Tobi restrained him. My Tobi was a good boy and listened to his leader's orders. I walked up to Gaara and saw the shock in his eyes.

"Why are you doing this," he asked.

"Because of what happened 10 years ago."


"Because of your betrayal. You only cared for yourself."

"That's not true!"

Another building collapsed, shaking the ground.

"It is true," I said. "I called for you, watched you just stand there as they dragged me in the woods. Not killing me, but banishing me for a power that you, too, possessed. Fate dealt me cards, Brother, and I was dealt all aces. I win. Its game over for everyone else."

I turned away from him, walking slowly away, and killed a bunch of advancing attackers. Sand climbed their bodies and crushed their bones, killing them instantly. Their crushed bodies lay lifeless on the ground.

"Mika, stop," Gaara said, fighting Tobi.

I turned to him again. "Stop?" I walked up to him. "Why? No one actually cares about me anymore. Only my darling Tobi does. Him and the rest of the Akatsuki. Pein could have killed me, but he saw promise. And I have payed off his promise. I am now leader, and as leader, I made the order to wipe the Sand Village clean of the people who banished me for a unique power. And you could have stopped this day from coming true, Brother. All you had to do was fight for your little twin sister." A coldness grew in Gaara's eyes. "Yes, you know now, don't you. You remember how it feels to be alone. You remember how it feels to have no one." A building caught on fire. "You remember, Brother." I kissed the symbol on his forehead. "And you know that this is what will make me stronger."

For once in my entire life, I saw him begin to cry. "I was alone. Cold and alone. I felt horrible for not fighting for you. I thought that when I heard word that you were coming home, everything was going to be alright, but it wasn't. You came here, sizing everyone up, calculating weaknesses. You became a monster. I was so alone for ten years. No one loved me. No one cared. And it was all my fault."

I looked at Tobi and nodded. He let go of Gaara. I held out a hand. "It's not too late. You can join me."

He looked at me with hatred. "Join you? I would rather kill you!"

I took a step back. "Tobi?"

He latched onto Gaara again. I turned my back on my brother.

"Like I said: fate dealt me the cards. I was dealt all aces. I win. Its game over now." I produced sand tentacles from my back, sending them crashing into buildings and piercing them through human flesh. The cries grew louder, the screams became deafening, and the fire grew wild. I was forcing Gaara to watch. "You will have no one."

I killed three people who came charging out of a building before it collapsed to the ground.

- Gaara -

I watched in sick horror as Mika destroyed everything in sight. Not moving. Her mind was controlling the sand now. Her hands were no longer needed. Her long red pigtails swayed softly in the breeze, and the fire illuminated her face, showing the rage and hatred. It lasted for hours upon hours until the screams stopped and there was no buildings left to tear down. The fire roared as it ate everything up. The sand from Mika's back fell to the ground, no longer needed now. Mika turned to me.

"You have no one now," she said. "My work here is down. I came for revenge and to tear your life apart just like you did to mine when you didn't fight for me." She fixed her eyes on the man restraining me. "Tobi, let him go." Tobi let me go and walked up to Mika. "You're such a good boy, Tobi." Tobi put an arm around Mika.

"This was what you were planning all these years," I said, looking at the crushed and broken Sand Village. "All these years, you grew in strength, planning this very day to the very last detail. All this time, you hated these people and wanted them to pay the price."

She smiled. "You're so smart. Goodbye."

She and Tobi turned around and left, leaving me breathing in the ashes of my people.

- Mika -

I walked out of the gates, the Akatsuki gathering around me. "It's not over yet. He'll gather people from the other villages and start a war." I tossed Kakuzu 9,000 dollars.

Hidan smiled. "A war? Is that what you were trying to start?"

I nodded. "Yes. The burning of the Sand Village will make him hate me to the point where he will gather people and start a war. The fun is just beginning. Zetsu?" I looked at him.


"You're an expert at stalking. I need you to stalk Gaara and watch what he plans. When the plan is about to be set in motion, I want you to come back and report everything to me."

He nodded and vanished into the ground. I smiled.

"May the war begin."

Gaara of the Sand & his twin sister MikaWhere stories live. Discover now