Part 3 (Acceptance)

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**I'm writing this at 4 in the morning. If things get pretty weird, I'm sorry. I'm not all the way awake yet**


"Brother!!!" I stared, horrified at the goo I had created.

Gaara walked into the kitchen. "Yes?"

"I failed! I'm a freaking epic sand ninja that can't even make soup!" For once in my life, I heard Gaara laugh a little. "Stop laughing! I'm hungry!"

"Move. Let me make you some."

I backed up and crossed my arms. "This just isn't fair."

"Well, I'm sure while you were gone, you had no kitchen training."

"That's a lie! I know how to catch rabbits and cook them over a campfire!" I smiled in pride. "See, Brother? I'm a trapper."

Gaara dumped my goo and started making me fresh soup. "That's very ... interesting, Mika. For three months you survived off of rabbits."

I started pouting. "Like you can do better!"

I stormed out of the kitchen and sat in the window seat. Gaara had to accept me one day! After all, the commissioner at the Mission Headquarters assigned us as partners! The only thing I had in common with him was the exact same looks and power as him. A tear rolled down my cheek. Yet, I was the complete opposite of him! He was secluded. I was a outgoing. Twins are supposed to be the same, right? So why were Gaara and I so different? Did he even want me around?

"Why are you crying?"

I looked over at Gaara, holding my bowl of soup. "I'm just thinking." I took the soup.

"About what?"

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. "You're super talkative today. Which is odd cause you mostly just sit around making clay figures and not uttering a single syllable."

"Well, I have to make up for the lost time somehow. You're my only company around here."

I looked into his grayish blue eyes. Eyes that matched mine in every way. Blinking stupidly, I looked at my soup.

"What were you thinking about," he asked again.

"How I'm the complete opposite of you! How twins were supposed to be the same! That, maybe, you don't want me around."

"That's not true. You're the only one who doesn't cower in fear around me. You ACCEPT me."

"Maybe that's because I'm like you in a way."

Gaara shrugged. "Finish your soup then go to your room. A surprise is waiting for you there."

He walked away and I obediently finished my soup. After I put the bowl in the kitchen, I walked over to my room. There, laying on my bed, was a red sand ninja headband. I smiled brightly and picked it up. Of course it was red! Putting it around my neck, I tied it tightly. Skipping back into the living room, I went hug Gaara. He wears his around his thigh.

"Every ninja wears their headband a different way. I see yours is around your neck," he nodded at the band.

"It's the only place that won't get in the way."

-Gaara of the Sand-

I nodded and Mika skipped back to her room. Sighing, I walked outside. People took one look at me and escaped to their homes. They cowered in fear over me. Acceptance wasn't an option. Until Mika came. She understood me. She's the only one who accepts me. Maybe because she's like me in a way. Maybe she expresses her pain and suffering in a different way. She seemed to be okay being related to a monster, but she didn't see me that way. She saw me as a brother. Someone that will always be there for her.


I turned around. It was a messenger. He ran up to me as handed me a scroll. I clutched onto it as he ran away. Walking back inside, I called for Mika. She came out of her room, her red pigtails bobbing up and down as she walked.

"What's that?" She held her hand out for the scroll. I gave it to her. She read over it quickly and smiled. "Well isn't that just shocking!"


"Me and you have to team up with two leaf ninjas for a long distance mission."

"I already assume who they are."


I sat on the ground, waiting for the leaf ninjas to come out. There were taking a long time. After about half an hour, the gates opened and I stood up. A pink haired girl and a wild boy walked out. The wild boy scared me. When they walked up to us, the wild one's jaw dropped.

"Who is she," he asked.

I smiled. "Mika of the Sand. Sister of Gaara of the Sand."

The pink haired one backhanded the staring one. "Excuse him. He doesn't have manners. I'm Sakura. And this fool is Naruto."

I waved. "Hi!"

Sakura looked between Gaara and I. "So you two are related? You seem like twins."


Naruto groaned. "There's two of them..."

I frowned. "That's rude!"

I turned on my heels and walked away. From behind me, I heard yelling. Gaara walked by me, matching my steps. The two behind us had to run to keep up. Gaara and I were fast. Speed was our strength, and the sand, of course. The sand really helped.

"I've never seen you before," Sakura said.

"I've been away for three months. Just came back a few days ago."

"Can you do the things with sand like Gaara can do?"


"So you two really are twins."

I nod. "Yep!"

Naruto struggled to keep up. Guess he just wasn't fast enough. We walked in silence after that.

Gaara of the Sand & his twin sister MikaWhere stories live. Discover now